To find the commands with unapproved verbs, run the Import-Module command again with the Verbose parameter. For a list of approved verbs, type Get-Verb. 只是為了重申,雖然 New-Module Cmdlet 已在上一個範例中使用,但這不是在 PowerShell 中建立腳本模組的命令。
Invoke-Command-Session$s-FilePath$PROFILE 以下命令从$s会话中的远程计算机运行“当前用户、当前主机”配置文件。 由于未填充$PROFILE变量,因此该命令使用配置文件的显式路径。 我们使用点溯源运算符,以便配置文件在远程计算机上的当前范围内执行,而不是在其自己的范围内执行。
改善的可用 (未匯入) 模組探索功能,包括在同一命令中允許使用Path與ListAvailable參數 模組資訊清單中新的DefaultCommandPrefix索引鍵,可在不變更模組程式碼的情況下避免名稱衝突 改善的模組需求,包括完整的必要模組 (包含版本與 GUID),以及自動匯入必要模組
第3 章还展示了如何使用Get-Command的ParameterType参数来确定哪些命令接受这种类型的输入。 根据命令帮助的详尽程度,它可能包括INPUTS和OUTPUTS部分。 INPUTS表示可以将ServiceController或String对象通过管道连接到Stop-Servicecmdlet。 PowerShell helpStop-Service-Full ...
Get-LocalUser is limited to listing accounts on the system where the command is run. But Get-WmiObject queries local users on remote systems using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Get-WmiObject -ComputerName workstation1 -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter "LocalAccount=True" ...
dump Snapshot and download memory dump file list List all VMs managed by this vCenter execute Execute given command in target VM c2 Run C2 using C3's VMwareShareFile module upload Upload file to target VM download Download file from target VM help Display more information on a specific ...
The value that you set for theTrustedHostsitem affects all users of the computer. To view the list of trusted hosts, use the following command: PowerShell Get-Itemwsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts The following example uses the wildcard character (*) to add all computers to the li...
The command uses an appropriate global catalog server automatically. You can only use the DN for the Identity parameter. Other forms of identification, such as alias or GUID, aren't accepted. Expand table Type: SwitchParameter Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline ...
Use $env:programdata\ssh\ssh_config only if it has correct file permissions (non-admin users shouldn't have write permissions) (#1753) Non-security fixes Allow authorizedKeysCommand to work with the System user. Thanks to @bkatyl, @NoMoreFood. Add moduli support. Allow support to configure...
在list 中添加一项,如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 { "guid": "{be8c6241-aafb-437f-8d7c-a7142adf7f54}", "name": "PowerShell Core", "commandline": "D:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\pwsh.exe", "icon": "D:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\assets\\ps_black_32x32.ico", "hidde...