Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module New-ModuleManifest New-PSRoleCapabilityFile New-PSSession New-PSSessionConfigurationFile 已在7.3 中新增 Linux 支援 New-PSSessionOption New-PSTransportOption Out-Default Out-Host Out-Null Receive-Job Receive-PSSession 僅限Windows Register-Argument...
EnterPSHostProcessCommand EnterPSSessionCommand EnvironmentProvider ExitPSHostProcessCommand ExitPSSessionCommand ExperimentalFeatureNameCompleter ExportAliasCommand ExportAliasFormat ExportClixmlCommand ExportCsvCommand ExportFormatDataCommand ExportModuleMemberCommand ExportPSSessionCommand FileHashInfo FileSystemClearContent...
function edit-file([string]$path = $(Throw "请输入相对路径!")) { # 处理相对路径,并抑制错误 $files = Resolve-Path $path -ea SilentlyContinue # 验证是否有错误产生: if (!$?) { # 如果是,没有找到符合标准的文件,给出提醒并停止: "没有找到符合标准的文件."; break } # 如果返回结果为数组...
1.Get-Command : 得到所有PowerShell命令,获取有关 cmdlet 以及有关 Windows PowerShell 命令的其他元素的基本信息。 包括Cmdlet、Alias、Function。 2.Get-Process : 获取所有进程 3.Get-Help : 显示有关 Windows PowerShell 命令和概念的信息 4.Get-History : 获取在当前会话中输入的命令的列表 5.Get-Job : ...
此命令使用 Id 属性对 PowerShell 会话的 HistoryInfo 对象进行排序。 每个 PowerShell 会话都有自己的命令历史记录。PowerShell 复制 Get-History | Sort-Object -Property Id -Descending Id CommandLine -- --- 10 Get-Command Sort-Object -Syntax 9 $PSVersionTable 8 Get-Command Sort-Object -Syntax...
Id Name PSJobTypeName State HasMoreData Location Command -- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 Job1 BackgroundJob Complete True localhost Get-Process 可以将作业对象保存在变量中,并将其用于在后面的命令中表示作业。 以下命令获取 ID 为 1 的作业,并将其保存在$job变量中。 PowerShell $...
At 4096, it is unlikely that I will ever need to increase the storage space. In Windows PowerShell 1.0, it was set to 64, and I frequently was overwriting my command history. I generally do not keep the same Windows PowerShell console session open long enough to type 4096 commands—so ...
Use the New-ManagedFolder cmdlet to create a managed folder object for messaging records management (MRM). This command doesn't accept pipelined input. For information about the parameter sets in the Syntax section below, see Exchange cmdlet syntax.Syntax...
(Measure-Command{Dir$home-filter*.ps1-recurse}).TotalSeconds4,6830099(Measure-Command{Dir$home-include*.ps1-recurse}).TotalSeconds28,1017376 其原因在于-include支持正则表达式,从内部实现上就更加复杂,而-filter只支持简单的模式匹配。这也就是为什么你可以使用-include进行更加复杂的过滤。比如下面的例子,搜索...
Clear-Content Deletes the contents of an item, such as deleting the text from a file, but does not delete the item. Clear-EventLog Deletes all entries from specified event logs on the local or remote computers. Clear-History Deletes entries from the command history. Clear-Item Deletes the...