PowerShell复制 functionEnable-PSScriptBlockLogging{$basePath= @('HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft''PowerShellCore\ScriptBlockLogging')-join'\'if(-not(Test-Path$basePath)) {$null=New-Item$basePath-Force}Set-ItemProperty$basePath-NameEnableScriptBlockLogging-Value"1"} 使用PowerShell 配置文件 ...
Task CommandStart 關鍵字 Runspace 啟用腳本區塊記錄 當您啟用文本區塊記錄時,PowerShell 會記錄它處理的所有腳本區塊內容。 啟用之後,任何新的PowerShell工作會記錄這項資訊。 注意 若要確保敏感數據受到保護,請在針對診斷用途以外的任何專案使用腳本區塊記錄時,啟用受保護的事件記錄。 腳本區塊記錄可以透過組策略或登錄...
在PowerShell 控制台中,可以使用以下快捷方式来管理命令历史记录。 UpArrow- 显示上一个命令。 DownArrow- 显示下一个命令。 F7- 显示命令历史记录。 ESC- 隐藏历史记录。 F8- 查找命令。 键入一个或多个字符,然后按F8。 再次按F8下一个实例。 F9- 按历史记录 ID 查找命令。 键入历史记录 ID,然后按...
ForEach-Object Get-Command Get-ExperimentalFeature Get-Help Get-History Get-Job Get-Module Get-PSHostProcessInfo Get-PSSession Get-PSSessionCapability Get-PSSessionConfiguration Get-PSSubsystem Import-Module Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module New-ModuleManifest New-PSRoleCapabilityFile ...
SQL. The most complicated function is the SQL functionality. Most of this is boilerplate code that will set up the connection and prepare the insert command. The script uses SQL parameterization to make the insert code safer. The following is an example of aLogstable that contains the fi...
After running the above command, each time you invoke theVMware.PowerCLImodule in PowerShell, a log entry is created. However, this method is only valid for the current session. Once you close PowerShell, the logging stops until you start it again. ...
command-line tools on Windows do not handle arguments in the industry standard way. As such, aWindowsmode for$PSNativeCommandArgumentPassingspecial cases some known tools to fallback to how it worked with Windows PowerShell while modern tools the newStandardmode. ALegacymode is available for ...
When Microsoft created Windows PowerShell, it was designed to make it easy to create other command-line tools that offer the same consistency and reliability as the tools that shipped as a part of Windows PowerShell. This is in large part because the shell has a single parser for all ...
• HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ModuleLogging \ModuleNames → * = * 模块日志记录了PowerShell脚本或命令执行过程中的CommandInvocation类型和ParameterBlinding内容,涉及执行过程和输入输出内容,模块日志功能的加入几乎可以完整的记录下PowerShell执行日志,给日志分析预警监测带来了极大...
When Microsoft created Windows PowerShell, it was designed to make it easy to create other command-line tools that offer the same consistency and reliability as the tools that shipped as a part of Windows PowerShell. This is in large part because the shell has a single parser for all ...