I suppose you may need to add a string after your command which is -RecoveryKeyProtector. Its role is Indicates that BitLocker uses a recovery key as a protector for the volume encryption key. You can visit the link for more information: /en-us/powershell/module/bitlocker/enable-bitlocker?v...
backup and restore a specific registry key in powershell Backup Bitlocker recovery key in AD on existing bitlocker domain computer Bat file to be ran as admin in powershell Batch File or script to change reg value batch file that exports registry key Batch printing Publisher files with 'Microsof...
示例19: 管理 BitLocker 加密 powershellCopy Code # 启用 BitLocker 加密Enable-BitLocker-MountPoint"D:"-EncryptionMethodXtsAes256-UsedSpaceOnly# 更改 BitLocker 密码Set-BitLockerPassword-MountPoint"D:"-Password(ConvertTo-SecureString-String"NewPassword"-AsPlainText-Force) 示例20: 磁盘数据擦除 powershellCo...
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Get-Counter -Counter "\LogicalDisk(_Total)\% Free Space" -MaxSamples 1000} Id Name PSJobTypeName State HasMoreData Location Command -- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 Job1 BackgroundJob Running True localhost Get-Counter -CounterStart-Job會使用 ScriptBlock 參數...
For example, the following Windows PowerShell command begins a BITS transfer from the local computer to a computer named CLIENT: Start-BitsTransfer -Source file.txt -Destination \\client\share -Priority normal When running Windows PowerShell interactively, the PowerShell window displays the progress ...
I wish to skip the BitLocker asking for the recovery key screen when I try to use the IDER by disabling the BitLocker protection using the command line "manage-bde -protectors -disable c:" much before booting into the windows ISO using the IDER in VNC. Is there a way ...
$BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption" -Class "Win32_EncryptableVolume" -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $ProtectorIds = $BitLocker.GetKeyProtectors("0").volumekeyprotectorID $return = @() foreach ($ProtectorID in $ProtectorIds){ $KeyProt...
Security: Keys to Protecting Data with BitLocker Drive Encryption Security: Exploring The Windows Firewall Security: New ACLs Improve Security in Windows Vista Security: Managing Hardware Restrictions via Group Policy Security: 4 Security Technologies Every IT Organization Must Have Security: A Powerful ...
Activate BitLocker and create a TPMandPIN protector simultaneously the recovery key already exists For remote management, theComputerNameparameter is not supported, so you will have to open a session on the target PC and execute the command there. ...