powershellCopy Code Clean-CMUpdatePackage 清理Windows Defender 定义文件缓存: powershellCopy Code Clear-MpThreatCatalog 清理Windows 更新日志和临时文件: powershellCopy Code Remove-Item -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\WindowsUpdateLogs\*" -Force -Recurse 清理PowerShell 缓存: powershellCopy Code Clear-Hos...
$shell=New-Object-ComObjectShell.Application$recycleBin=$shell.NameSpace(0xA)$recycleBin.Items() |foreach{$item=$_$itemPath=$recycleBin.GetDetailsOf($item,0)$itemDate=$recycleBin.GetDetailsOf($item,2)Write-Output"文件名:$itemPath, 删除日期:$itemDate"} 执行此命令后,它将返回回收站中的文件列...
Records the manufacturer and operating system type for the BIOS when the BiosTargetOperatingSystem property has a value of 1 (Other). When TargetOperatingSystem has a value of 1, BiosOtherTargetOS must have a nonnull value. For all other values of BiosTargetOperatingSystem, BiosOtherTargetOS is...
How to do a clean re-add for a domain user to local PC? How to do right pattern search in File Explorer? How to document that Windows Store Apps are automatically updating How to edit which Player a Xbox controller is? how to enable administrative shares How to enable fingerprint biometric...
Clean install Windows 10 can not RDP via 2012 RD2 RDG. Cleaning user profiles of temp and cache files on RDS hosts Clearing cached RDP credentials? Click apps in the RDWEB page does not open the application directly. CLIENTNAME variable for users using a published RD RemoteApp Clients Droppin...
%windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command Clear-RecycleBin -Confirm:$false For previous versions of Windows (with older versions of PowerShell), you can use the following code to clean up the RecycleBin: ...
(CLI), for remote control via SSH, for automation (e.g. via AutoHotkey/Jenkins or on startup/login/logoff/daily/shutdown/etc.), for context menus, for voice commands (seetalk2windows), or simply to learn PowerShell. All scripts are located in the 📂scriptssubfolder and support Unicode...
Restore-ADObject Restores a deleted Active Directory object from the Active Directory Recycle Bin Move-ADObject Moves an Active Directory object from one container to another container Sync-ADObject Syncs an Active Directory object between two domain cont...
Remove-item C:\Users\user-name\Desktop\TWC, C:\Users\user-name\Downloads\TWC1 Caution: Please remember, when you make use of PowerShell to delete/remove the files or folders, they just don’t go into the Recycle bin. Instead, they get deleted permanently. ...
The files are not moved to the Recycle Bin. In addition, you need to have the appropriate permissions to delete files in the specified location. Step 1. Press the Win + X keys, then select Windows PowerShell (Admin). Step 2. In the Command Prompt window, Type Remove-Item –path c:\...