脚本文件:C:\Scripts\clean_junk_files.ps1 <# .SYNOPSIS Returns summary of current disk usage. .DESCRIPTION This function returns the general usage information regarding the specified disk, in terms of free space, total space, and available space in percentage. .PARAMETER DeviceID The device ID ...
This script sets threshold values of free space left on a disk — 5% and 20%. If the amount of free space on any of the disks is below the specified values, a modal information window is displayed. You can show it as apop-up notificationor immediately run theDisk Cleanup tool (cleanmg...
12 ## Report Mode iex (iwr 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/name/disk-cleanup/main/disk-cleanup.ps1') ## Cleanup Mode Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/name/disk-cleanup/main/disk-cleanup.ps1' -OutFile 'disk-cleanup.ps1' ; & '.\disk-cleanup.ps1' -clean...
Regularly clean the recycle bin and temporary files FAQs About Check Disk Space Using PowerShell Follow our FAQs section to find answers if you have more doubts about checking disk space using PowerShell. 1. What PowerShell script can I use to get the disk space report? If you want to get...
在PowerShell 中,可以使用 DiskPart 来执行磁盘和卷的管理任务。例如,可以使用以下命令来启动 DiskPart: 代码语言:txt 复制 Start-Process diskpart -Verb runAs 然后,可以在 DiskPart 中执行各种命令来管理磁盘和卷,例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 list disk select disk 0 clean convert gpt create partition primary ...
# Clean registry Start-Sleep 3 Remove-Item "HKCU:\Software\Classes\ms-settings\" -Recurse -Force 系统权限 我们可以通过PsExec.exe来实现这一点。你可以使用 Msfvenom 可执行文件代替rev.bat,但后者更适用于 AV 免杀。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/psexec ...
Set-CMTSStepRestoreUserState [-AddConfigFile <String[]>] [-CleanConfigFile] [-ContinueOnRestore <Boolean>] [-ModeOption <ModeType>] [-Package <IResultObject>] [-Password <SecureString>] [-RemoveConfigFile <String[]>] [-RestoreLocalAccount <Boolean>] [-VerboseLogging <Boolean>] [-AddCondit...
If your scripts include long strings of data that are not properly trimmed, they can make the data inconsistent, occupy more disk space, and slow down the performance of your system. With the Trim feature, you can ensure your strings are clean and formatted correctly, reduce the amount of ...
Clean up resourcesWhen no longer needed, you can use the Remove-AzResourceGroup command to remove the resource group, VM, and all related resources.Azure PowerShell Copy Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name dsStd_ILB_RG Next stepsIn this article, you created a Standard Load Balancer with a...
%windir%\System32\RUNDLL32.exe %windir%\System32\pnpclean.dll,RunDLL_PnpClean /Devices /Maxclean Manage Group Policy Force group policy update gpupdate /force /wait:-1 Miscellaneous Tasks using CMD Show OS version ver or wmic os get caption,version,buildnumber /format:list ...