Remove-CimSession Set-CimInstance Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Connect-PSSession Disconnect-PSSession New-PSSessionConfigurationFile New-PSTransportOption Receive-PSSession Resume-Job Save-Help Suspend-Job Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile Update-Help Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics ...
PowerShell 的执行策略是一项安全功能,用于控制 PowerShell 加载配置文件和运行脚本的条件。 此功能有助于防止执行恶意脚本。 在Windows 计算机上,可以为本地计算机、当前用户或特定会话设置执行策略。 还可以使用组策略设置为计算机和用户设置执行策略。 本地计算机和当前用户的执行策略存储在注册表中。 无需在 PowerShe...
Get-CimSession 僅限Windows Import-BinaryMiLog 僅限Windows Invoke-CimMethod 僅限Windows New-CimInstance 僅限Windows New-CimSession 僅限Windows New-CimSessionOption 僅限Windows Register-CimIndicationEvent 僅限Windows Remove-CimInstance 僅限Windows Remove-CimSession 僅限Windows Set-CimInstance 僅限WindowsISE...
Linux —/opt/microsoft/powershell/7/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1. macOS:/usr/local/microsoft/powershell/7/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 Текущийпользователь, всеузлы Для Windows —$HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Profile.ps1. Linux —~/.config/powershell/pro...
Cmdlet Remove-CimSession CimCmdlets Cmdlet Remove-Computer Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Cmdlet Remove-Event Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Cmdlet Remove-EventLog Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Cmdlet Remove-Item Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Cmdlet Remove-ItemProperty Microsoft.PowerShell.Management ...
From PowerShell 7, this will open a Windows PowerShell process and load the module specified. This made me think about implicit remoting available when using-PSSessionor-CimSession. Import-ModuleActiveDirectory-UseWindowsPowerShell Graphical interface is backPermalink ...
Powershell vs Powershell core There are significant differences between Powershell’s Core and Desktop editions. It’s worth noting that the Core version of Powershell lacks several modules; thus, if your organization’s systems rely on such modules, switching to Powershell Core may not be a ...
:wrench: :hammer: A set of PowerShell functions you might use to enhance your own functions and scripts or to facilitate working in the console. Most should work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7, even cross-platform. Any operating system limit
$s = New-CimSession -ComputerName localhost123 -ErrorAction Ignore if (-not $s) { Write-Error "Connection to 'localhost123' could not be created." }Custom Error ExceptionsPowerShell supports to add .net types with the Add-Type cmdlet. It could be used to add a custom exception class ...
PowerShell 复制 Get-ClusterFaultDomain -CimSession $ClusterName 步骤5.3:设置首选站点你还可以定义全局首选站点,这意味着指定的资源和组必须在首选站点上运行。 可使用以下命令在站点级别定义此设置:PowerShell 复制 (Get-Cluster).PreferredSite = "Site1" 为延伸群集指定首选站点具有以下优势:...