# Convert any text file to Unicode param( [string] $infile = $(throw "Please specify a filename.") ) $outfile = "$infile.unicode" get-content -Path $infile | out-file $outfile -encoding unicode 转换文本文件为UTF-8编码 # Convert any text file to UTF-8 param( [string] $infile = ...
#1 Select-String:用于从文本中选择匹配的字符串。 $text = "Hello, World!" $pattern = "Hello" #支持正则匹配 $pattern = "\d+" 匹配一个或者多个数字 $match = $text | Select-String -Pattern $pattern #这里值提取匹配遇到的第一个Hello $matches = $text | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -All...
将确切的文本值更改为contains或contains是一种字符串匹配操作,常用于文本搜索和筛选。在编程中,可以使用各种编程语言和字符串处理函数来实现这个功能。 一种常见的方法是使用正则表达式。正则表达式是一种强大的模式匹配工具,可以用来查找、替换和验证字符串。通过使用正则表达式的contains或contains函数,可以将确切的...
Check&Clear!" $find = $false $mimi = $null $zlib = $null if (([string](Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding )).contains('SCM Event Filter')) { $mimi = ([WmiClass] 'root\default:Win32_TaskService').Properties['mimi'] $zlib = ([WmiClass] '...
现在我需要设置if语句,如果它在文件夹中找到该文件,则需要将复选框设置为$true。我的尝试 $deploymentcheck.Checked = $false [string]$deployment = Get-ChildItem -Path $Pkgpathmain.Text -Filter "*DeploymentConfig_custom*" if 浏览1提问于2014-10-09得票数 0 回答已采纳...
[string]$PolicyListCSV="", [Switch]$ResultCSV)# ---# File operation# ---FunctionFileExist {Param(# File path needed to check[Parameter(Mandatory =$true)] [String]$FilePath, [Switch]$Warning)$inputFileExist=Test-Path$FilePathif(!$inputFileExist) {if($Warning-eq$false) { WriteToLog...
check if object is $null Check if OS is 32bit or 64bit check If Process Is Running in another computer Check if SMB1 is enabled on the AD servers Check if string contains invalid characters Check if string starts with letter/character. check installed memory with physical memory Check networ...
[String]$Operator)if($Operator-eq"eq") {if($Value-eq$DefaultValue) {$Result=@{"$($Key)"="[合格项]|$($Value)|$($DefaultValue)|$($Msg)-【符合】等级保护标准."}Write-Host"$($Key)"=" [合格项]|$($Value)|$($DefaultValue)|$($Msg)-【符合】等级保护标准."-ForegroundColorWhitereturn...
or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:2 + & $c + ~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Get-Service -Name Spooler:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ...
#>param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Key,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$Value,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$DefaultValue,[String]$Msg,[String]$Operator)if($Operator-eq"eq"){if($Value-eq$DefaultValue){$Result= @{"$($Key)"="[合格项]|$($Value)|$($DefaultValue)|$($Msg)-【符合】...