$Env:POWERSHELL_UPDATECHECK='Default' 如需詳細資訊,請參閱關於更新通知。 使用Invoke-DSCResource 新增 DSC 資源支援 (實驗性) 注意 這是名為PSDesiredStateConfiguration.InvokeDscResource的實驗性功能。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱使用實驗性功能。 Invoke-DscResourceCmdlet 會執行指定之 PowerShell Desired State Confi...
Update-Help : Failed to update Help for the module(s) 'BitsTransfer' with UI culture(s) {en-US} : Unable to retrieve the HelpInfo XML file for UI culture en-US. Make sure the HelpInfoUri property in the module manifest is valid or check your network connection and then try the comma...
AuthorizationManager check failed. At line:1 char:1 + C:\scriptpath\scriptname.ps1 + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess PowerShell 使用 Windows 桌面 Shell 中的 API (explorer.exe) 来验证脚本文件的区域。 Windows Shell 在...
In a script, you would typically use it in an if statement. To negate and check if the folder or file doesnotexist, use either "!" or "-not", and remember to enclose the Test-Path statement in parentheses. Also remember that if the path or folder name contains a space, you need to...
$smtpServer="IP address of your smtp server"$fromEmail="your.name@yourdomain.com"$ccEmail="your.name@yourdomain.com"# 设置脚本和日志路径$scriptDir=Split-Path-Parent$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path$logDir=Join-Path-Path$scriptDir-ChildPath"log"$excelFileName="PermissionReview.xlsx"$excelFilePath=...
POWERSHELL_UPDATECHECK PSExecutionPolicyPreference PSModulePath PSModuleAnalysisCachePath PSDisableModuleAnalysisCacheCleanup 有关这些变量的完整说明,请参阅本文的PowerShell 环境变量。 长说明 PowerShell 可以访问和管理任何受支持的操作系统平台中的环境变量。 借助 PowerShell 环境提供程序,可以在当前控制台中获取...
Get-MrPSVersion : The term 'Get-MrPSVersion' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + Get-MrPSVersion + ...
Test-Path-Path"C:\Path\to\Folder" Parameter: -Path: This parameter indicates the path to the folder or file you want to check for existence. In this case, it’s set to"C:\Path\to\Folder", indicating that you want to check if the folder located on that path exists. ...
在参数语句必须在脚本中 noncommented 的首行。 时从 Windows PowerShell 控制台中运行脚本或从中在脚本编辑器中,命令行参数使用来控制脚本执行的方式。 以这种方式,您没有编辑您要从不同的目录中创建一个.cab 文件的每个时间的脚本。 您需要仅为提供一个新值 / –filepath 参数如下所示: ...
<UnixDomainSocketEndPoint>] [-Proxy <Uri>] [-ProxyCredential <PSCredential>] [-ProxyUseDefaultCredentials] [-Body <Object>] [-Form <IDictionary>] [-ContentType <String>] [-TransferEncoding <String>] [-InFile <String>] [-OutFile <String>] [-PassThru] [-Resume] [-SkipHttpErrorCheck] [...