You can use set-service -credential with PowerShell 7 ( Example 8: Change credential of a service This example changes the credentials that are used to manage a service. $credenti...
模拟连接器帐户False如果为 true,同步服务将对提供的凭据上下文中运行 Windows PowerShell 脚本。 如果可能,建议使用传递给每个脚本的$Credentials参数来代替模拟。 有关使用此选项时必须具有的其他权限的详细信息,请参阅其他模拟配置。 模拟时加载用户配置文件False指示 Windows 在模拟期间加载连接器凭据的用户配置文件。
{ $AppName = $EnterpriseApp.DisplayName $AppID = $EnterpriseApp.Id $ApplID = $EnterpriseApp.AppId $AppCreds = Get-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $AppID | Select-Object PasswordCredentials, KeyCredentials $Secrets = $AppCreds.PasswordCredentials $Certs = $AppCreds...
Fork this repo and clone it to your workstation. Create a feature branch for your change. Write code and tests. Push your feature branch to github and open a pull request against master.Once your repository is set up, you can start working on the code. We do utilize RSpec for test ...
Update-Help[[-Module] <String[]>] [-FullyQualifiedModule <ModuleSpecification[]>] [[-SourcePath] <String[]>] [-Recurse] [[-UICulture] <CultureInfo[]>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-UseDefaultCredentials] [-Force] [-Scope <UpdateHelpScope>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] ...
PS>Import-Module-NameActiveDirectoryPS>Get-PSProvider-NameActiveDirectoryNameCapabilitiesDrives---ActiveDirectoryInclude,Exclude,Filter,ShouldProcess,Credentials{AD} Registry Value Entries As I mentioned above, a registry key can contain value entries. You can think of each value entry as an attrib...
Get-Itemwsman:\localhost\Service\RootSDDL To change theRootSDDL, use theSet-Itemcmdlet in theWSMan:drive. To change the security descriptor of a session configuration, use theSet-PSSessionConfigurationcmdlet with theSecurityDescriptorSDDLorShowSecurityDescriptorUIparameters. ...
此脚本以非交互方式工作。 使用此脚本的管理员需要使用自己的应用 ID、应用程序机密、租户名称、应用凭据到期期限以及用于导出 CSV 的路径来更改“#PARAMETERS TO CHANGE”节中的值。 此脚本使用Client_Credential Oauth 流。函数“RefreshToken”将基于管理员修改的参数值来生成访问令牌。
Now, I also need to make a change on the remote server to permit it to use delegated credentials. This command is shown here. Enable-WSMaCredSSP -Role Server –Force The use of these two commands is shown in the image that follows. ...
Example 4: Create a persistent mapped network drive using credentials This example maps a network drive that's authenticated with a domain service account's credentials. For more information about thePSCredentialobject that stores credentials and how passwords are stored as aSecureString, see theCredent...