PowerShell 复制 Get-ChildItem -path 'C:\NoRealDirectory' Output 复制 Get-ChildItem: Cannot find path 'C:\NoRealDirectory' because it does not exist. 此示例显示当 $ErrorView 值为默认值时,简视图时如何显示错误。 运行 Script.ps1 并从Get-Item 语句引发错误。PowerShell 复制 ...
Get-ChildItem-Path$env:ProgramFiles-Recurse-Include*.exe |Where-Object-FilterScript{ ($_.LastWriteTime-gt'2005-10-01')-and($_.Length-ge1mb)-and($_.Length-le10mb) } 复制文件和文件夹 复制通过Copy-Item完成。 以下命令备份 PowerShell 配置文件脚本: ...
Get-ChildItem-Path$env:ProgramFiles-Recurse-Include*.exe |Where-Object-FilterScript{ ($_.LastWriteTime-gt'2005-10-01')-and($_.Length-ge1mb)-and($_.Length-le10mb) } 复制文件和文件夹 复制通过Copy-Item完成。 以下命令备份 PowerShell 配置文件脚本: ...
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-docs-powershell-samples/ # Change to the directory where the script is located. CD azure-docs-powershell-samples/expressroute/ 运行可复原位置脚本运行Get-AzExpressRouteResilientLocations.ps1 脚本来获取可复原位置的列表。 以下示例显示了如何获取特定订阅...
Anyone running this command in a script or looking over your shoulder knows the local administrator password of that computer. With that knowledge, they have access to all of its data and can impersonate the server itself. Confirmation The Confirmation page shows the planned demotion; the page ...
In PowerShell v3+, automatic variable $PSScriptRoot contains the full path of the directory in which the executing script is located. If you need your script to execute with its own directory as the working directory (current location), use the following approach: # Save the current location...
当你使用-literalPath参数来指定文件的路径时,所有的特殊字符被视为路径片段,PowerShell解释器也不会处理。 Dir 默认的参数为-Path。假如你当前文件夹下有个文件名为“.\a[0].txt“,因为方括号是PowerShell中的特殊字符,会解释器被解析。为了能正确获取到”.\a[0].txt”的文件信息,此时可以使用-LiteralPath参数...
You can execute a script using its filename. A script file must have a.ps1file extension to be executable. Files that have spaces in their path must be enclosed in quotes. If you try to execute the quoted path, PowerShell displays the contents of the quoted string instead of running the...
✨ 💭 vscode-powershell #4933 - Fix how we pass the log directory to Editor Services. PowerShellEditorServices v3.18.0 ✨ 📟 PowerShellEditorServices #2148 - Update to PSReadLine v2.4.0-beta0. ✨ 📟 PowerShellEditorServices #2141 - Update to PSScriptAnalyzer v1.22.0. ✨ 👷...
The change is effective immediately. To run a script, type the full name and the full path to the script file. For example, to run the Get-ServiceLog.ps1 script in the C:\Scripts directory, type: PowerShell C:\Scripts\Get-ServiceLog.ps1 ...