powerShell 3.0 中引進了 $PSDefaultParameterValues。如需此喜好設定變數的詳細資訊,請參閱 about_Parameters_Default_Values。$PSEmailServer指定用來傳送電子郵件訊息的預設電子郵件伺服器。 傳送電子郵件的 Cmdlet 會使用此喜好設定變數,例如 Send-MailMessage Cmdlet。
PowerShell 3.0 中引入了 $PSDefaultParameterValues。有关此首选项变量的详细信息,请参阅 about_Parameters_Default_Values。$PSEmailServer指定用于发送电子邮件的默认电子邮件服务器。 此首选项变量由发送电子邮件的 cmdlet 使用,例如 Send-MailMessage cmdlet。
Persist the change in your profile Any change you make to the$PSDefaultParameterValuesvariable is only applicable for the current session. And the variable is subject to normal scoping rules – so changing the value in a script does not affect the session as a whole. That means that if you...
The hash table values are displayed by entering$PSDefaultParameterValuesat the PowerShell prompt. A$PSDefaultParameterValueshash table is set with threeKey/Valuepairs. This hash table is used in the following examples that describe how to add, change, and remove values from$PSDefaultPar...
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Executor, [Boolean]$MsrcUpdate)# * 文件输出默认为UTF-8格式$PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] ='utf8'### ***## * 全局公用工具依赖函数 *# ***#FunctionF_IsCurrentUserAdmin{<#.
Update change log for 7.4.6 (Internal 33040) Update changelog for v7.4.6 release (Internal 32983) Fix backport issues with release pipeline (#24835) Remove duplicated parameter (#24832) [release/v7.4] Make the AssemblyVersion not change for servicing releases 7.4.7 and onward (#24821) Add...
$invokeCimMethodSplat= @{ ComputerName ='Server01','Server02'Query ='Select * From Win32_Service Where Name = "WinRM"'MethodName ='ChangeStartMode'Arguments = @{StartMode ='Automatic'} }Invoke-CimMethod@invokeCimMethodSplat 如何重新创建默认会话配置 ...
I don’t really like this solution as it will unnecessarily tie the dynamic parameter addition with the default values. Ideally, I would want to be able to change the default value without having to touch anything else. Is there any way to access the actual parameter value from within the ...
LogonType Parameter: Specifies if the report server uses the SSRS Application Pool account or a SQL Server sign-in to access the report server database. Valid values are: 0 Windows Authentication 1 SQL Server 2 Application Pool Account (default) Remove-SPRSServiceApplication Removes the specified...
Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection-AccessTypeThe AccessType parameter specifies the privacy type for the Microsoft 365 Group. Valid values are: Public: The group con...