Change default gateway using *netipaddress* cmdlet Change display languages for login screen and all users. Change domain using powershell Change E-Mail attribute on AD user general tab Change encoding of file Change file asociations via Powershell Change FriendlyName from UniqueID Change Job Title...
Support for prefix during session creation: You can create only one session at a time that contains prefixed cmdlets. EXO V2 cmdlets aren't prefixed because they already have the prefix EXO, so don't use EXO as a prefix. Use EXO V2 cmdlets even if WinRM Basic Auth is disabled on cl...
Get-Date Get-Error Get-Event No event sources available on Linux/macOS Get-EventSubscriber Get-FileHash Get-FormatData Get-Host Get-MarkdownOption Added in 6.1 Get-Member Get-PSBreakpoint Get-PSCallStack Get-Random Get-Runspace Get-RunspaceDebug Get-SecureRandom Added in 7.4...
PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\PowerShell PSChildName : test.ps1 PSDrive : C PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem PSIsContainer : False Mode :-a---VersionInfo : File: C:\PowerShell\test.ps1 InternalName: OriginalFilename: FileVersion: FileDescription: Pr...
If the log folder does not exist on the remote computer, we use the New-Item cmdlet to create it. We have a hard-coded value of LogFolder, but you can change this. As in the previous New-Item cmdlet, we use the -force parameter to create the entire path and pipeline the results ...
has a new out-of-band (OOB) update channel. This channel replaces the original files with updated versions that are signed by using a Microsoft certificate that the Windows operating system trusts. Because of this change, SFC flags the updated files as "Hashes for file member do not match...
Dir | Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-14) } 1. 文件系统导航 除非你通过前面介绍的方式更改了PowerShell控制台的提示信息,否则你工作的当前目录会在控制台的命令行开头显示。你也可以使用Get-Location或别名pwd命令获取当前工作的目录。 PS C:\PowerShell> Get-Location Path ---...
USOClient.exe is a legitimate Microsoft process responsible for orchestrating updates. It helps schedule and execute Windows updates, ensuring your system stays up-to-date with the latest features and security patches. Here are the common USOClient commands and their descriptions: ...
This can also be done using the.CreationTimeproperty. Renaming a file on a traditional hard disk does not change the file’s Last Modified Date/Time, but this may not hold true for files synced with cloud storage or OneDrive. Examples ...
I see all of these NTFS REPORTER apps, but i dont need a report on anything. i need to be able to CHANGE the permissions and access. I just want to be able to do anything to any file without UAC asking me to click okay, or outright denying me from accessing, saving, ...