I created a proof-of-concept and then helped some folks at Microsoft Consulting Services to have a PowerShell cmdlet to do so. Not being enough the status of OneDrive using the regular OneDrive synchronization, I also included the status of OneDrive when synchronized v...
(CLI), for remote control via SSH, for automation (e.g. via AutoHotkey/Jenkins or on startup/login/logoff/daily/shutdown/etc.), for context menus, for voice commands (seetalk2windows), or simply to learn PowerShell. All scripts are located in the 📂scriptssubfolder and support Unicode...
How to login automatically during OneDrive Configuration Wizard using PowerShell script? how to make a .exe application to run in background How to make a text box as transparent using powershell How to make the width of powershell script's output greater than 80 column? How to make Write-...
GPO Redirect Profile Folders To OneDrive For Business? GPO replication - Sysvol Inaccessible GPO Replication problem GPO Run BGInfo at user logon GPO Setting: Bypass traverse checking GPO Settings are Applied but not showing up/show error GPO settings for Enable third party cookies for chrome brow...
Then, you can open a PowerShell console (as an Admin) and navigate to the directory where you saved the script. To do this, you can use the \"cd\" command. For example, if you saved the script in the \"C:\\Downloads\" directory, you would type the following command: cd C:\\...
PowerBI从Onedrive文件夹中获取多个文件,依然不使用网关 首先,数据文件放在onedrive的一个文件夹中: ? 我们按照常规思路,获取数据-从文件夹: ? 导航到所要选择的文件夹,加载: ? ?...整个过程的PQ底层逻辑很清楚,使用一个示例文件作为函数,然后用这个函数遍历文件夹中的所有文件,最终将结果合并到一张表中: ? 发...
http http_foreign http_mapi onedrive 最流行和最常用的侦听器是http uselistener http 此命令在本地端口80上创建一个侦听器。如果端口80已经被像Apache这样的服务占用,请确保停止该服务,因为此侦听器是http侦听器只能在端口80上工作。 查看侦听器下可以使用的命令 ...
$profile#C:\Users\username\OneDrive\document\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 So, to fix the issue, I updated myMicrosoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1by copying the contents ofprofile.ps1to it. I'm not entirely certain if I handled the issue properly, but at the very least, it appears...
http_mapi– an HTTP/HTTPS listener that uses theLiniaalutility allowing you to gain control over the target host through an Exchange server; meterpreter– an HTTP/HTTPS listener used to inject Meterpreter payloads; onedrive– a onedrive listener (you have to register thehttps://apps.dev.microsof...
在Gitlab CI/CD上从码头映像运行PowerCLI时出错 、、 我有一个Gitlab /CD设置,它从Dockerhub提取vmware/powerclicore映像并运行ps1脚本。此脚本在Windows主机上正确运行,或在Docker映像中以交互方式运行,但如果在Gitlab CI/CD中运行时出错,则会失败:Write-Host ($error[0].Exception.InnerException | select *)...