Break 和 Continue 是两个可用于修改循环的默认行为的命令。 Continue 可结束当前循环迭代的进程。 Break 可完全停止循环处理。 通常在要处理的数据的值无效时使用这些命令。 在此示例中,使用 Continue 可阻止修改要修改的用户列表中的管理员用户帐户: PowerShell ...
Python break 语句
The While construct uses the following syntax: PowerShell Copy While ($answer -eq "go") { Write-Host "Script block to process" } Next unit: Review Break and Continue in Windows PowerShell scripts Previous Next Having an issue? We can help! For issues related to this modu...
about_Break about_Built-in_Functions about_Calculated_Properties about_Calling_Generic_Methods about_Case-Sensitivity about_Character_Encoding about_CimSession about_Classes about_Classes_Constructors about_Classes_Inheritance about_Classes_Methods about_Classes_Properties ...
macOS:/usr/local/microsoft/powershell/7/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 Текущийпользователь, всеузлы Для Windows —$HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Profile.ps1. Linux —~/.config/powershell/profile.ps1.
PowerShellEditorServices #1861– AddDebuggerBreaksInUntitledScriptunit test. PowerShellEditorServices #1859– Update and extend CI matrix. PowerShellEditorServices #1793– Improve CI stability. Getting support and giving feedback While we hope the new implementation provides a much better user experience...
$ErrorActionPreference = “Break” This feature comes from a well known PowerShell MVPKirk Munro. Basically, if you set$ErrorActionPreferencetoBreak, then when there is an error it will drop you into the debugger immediately! Invoke-DscResource ...
Note DeploymentId and ApplicationName will continue to support only application deployments. This behavior is subject to change in a future release. Remove-CMDeploymentType The ApplicationName parameter is no longer required when you use Deploymen...
Note DeploymentId and ApplicationName will continue to support only application deployments. This behavior is subject to change in a future release. Remove-CMDeploymentType The ApplicationName parameter is no longer required when you use DeploymentType or pipeline from Get-CMDeploymentType...
Anyway I am for a break. If this break where already 3 years in past, probably nobody would complain now. Thanks for you tip, but I need to elevate the process. Would be good if return value would work if-Waitis used. Sorry, something went wrong. ...