Break 除了可以用來終止所屬的迴圈(包括 ForEach、For、While、Do While、Do Until),而且也能用來結束整個 Switch 陳述式。例如以下兩個範例的第一個範例比對到 windows powershell 就會結束,因為此例不是字母大小寫相異的比對,更重要的是受到 Break 的作用。 $var = "Windows PowerShell" Switch ($var) { "...
在內嵌迴圈中,這個結果與關鍵詞本身使用時的結果 break 不同。 此範例具有 while 語句的 for 語句: PowerShell 複製 :myLabel while (<condition 1>) { for ($item in $items) { if (<condition 2>) { break myLabel } $item = $x # A statement inside the For-loop } } $a = $c # A ...
内部循环在外部循环反复执行过程中只执行一遍,这是因为break语句在每次执行第1个Write-Host语句后终止循环。如果要终止外部循环,而不是内部循环,则可以在外部循环中增加break语句; PS C:\>:OuterLoop foreach ($outerItem in 1..3){ >> Write-Host "OuterItem:$outerItem" >> foreach($innerItem in 1..3...
break语句出现在foreach、for、while、switch等结构中时,break语句将使windows powershell立即退出整个循环。 在不循环的switch结构中,powershell将退出switch代码块。 用法如下: $var = 0 while ($var -lt 10) { $var += 1 if($var -eq 5) { break #当var=5时,终止while循环 } write-host $var } ...
Understanding the Break statement TheBreakstatement is used to exit a looping statement such as aForeach,For,While, orDoloop. When present, theBreakstatement causes Windows PowerShell to exit the loop. TheBreakstatement can also be used in aSwitchstatement. ...
PowerShell While 循环可以与break 和 continue 语句结合使用以进一步控制流程。让我们看看它们是如何工作的:代码 $counter = 1 while ($counter -le 5) { if ($counter -eq 3) { Write-Host "Skipping 3..." $counter++ continue } if ($counter -eq 5) { Write-Host "Breaking the loop at 5." ...
Additionally, instead of using an explicit $loaded variable, I could have used the Windows PowerShell break statement to exit the delay loop. Windows PowerShell has a rich set of control structures that allow you to program in many different styles, including whatever programming style you are ...
# <Init> <Condition> <Repeat>for($i=0;$i-lt10;$i++) {Write-Host-Object$iif($i-eq5) {continue# Will not result in an infinite loop.$i-- } } 在循环中使用带标签的继续 标记continue语句终止迭代的执行,并将控制权转移到目标封闭迭代或switch语句标签。
There's some interesting stuff happening here. Notice that I ended the Foreach construct's first line with an opening curly brace. Everything within the opening and closing curly brace is considered to be inside the Foreach loop and will execute once for each object in the input collection....
loop-foreach cmdlet-foreach 运行结果 其他方案 powershell@foreach@foreach-object@continue的行为 ref about Continue - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn powershell - Why does ‘continue’ behave like ‘break’ in a For...