Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.SqlVirtualMachine.Support Assembly: Az.SqlVirtualMachine.private.dll Overriding != operator for enum Failover C# 複製 public static bool operator != (Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.SqlVirtualMachine.Support.Failover e1, Microsoft.Azure.PowerShe...
建立Azure SQL 資料庫彈性集區、將其新增至容錯移轉群組以及測試容錯移轉的 Azure PowerShell 範例指令碼。
Si applica a: Istanza gestita di SQL di Azure SQLIstanza gestita di database SQL di Azure Questo script di esempio di PowerShell crea due istanze gestite, le aggiunge a un gruppo di failover e quindi testa il failover dall'istanza gestita primaria all'istanza gestita secon...
Az.Sql 5.0.0添加了对“Get-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup”、“Remove-AzSqlDatabaseFromFailoverGroup”和“Add-AzSqlDatabaseFromFailoverGroup”的多辅助支持 将“New-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup”、“Set-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup”的默认 FailoverPolicy 值从“Automatic”更改为“Manual” 为Azure Sql ...
範例11:使用存取令牌連線到 Azure SQL Database (或受控實例) PowerShell 複製 Import-Module SQLServer Import-Module Az.Accounts -MinimumVersion 2.2.0 # Note: the sample assumes that you or your DBA configured the server to accept connections using # that Service Principal and has granted it acces...
範例11:使用存取令牌連線到 Azure SQL Database (或受控實例) PowerShell 複製 Import-Module SQLServer Import-Module Az.Accounts -MinimumVersion 2.2.0 # Note: the sample assumes that you or your DBA configured the server to accept connections using # that Service Principal and has granted it acces...
Example 11: Connect to Azure SQL Database (or Managed Instance) using an Access Token PowerShell Copy Import-Module SQLServer Import-Module Az.Accounts -MinimumVersion 2.2.0 # Note: the sample assumes that you or your DBA configured the server to accept connections using # that Service Princi...
Example 11: Connect to Azure SQL Database (or Managed Instance) using an Access Token PowerShell Copy Import-Module SQLServer Import-Module Az.Accounts -MinimumVersion 2.2.0 # Note: the sample assumes that you or your DBA configured the server to accept connections using # that Service Princi...
$db | Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseSecondary -PartnerResourceGroupName"sqltest"-Failover 看看portal 上现在的情况: 搞定!原来只读的从数据库已经变成了可读写的主数据库。注意上图中主从数据库各自的位置,是不是它们已经转换了角色呢! 接下来让我们简单了解下 Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseSecondary 命令,及使用中需要注意的...
Azure PowerShell: mostly harmless About the project Analysis results Conclusion Hello, everyone. Today we have another Microsoft project on the check. By the title of this article, you can guess that this time developers didn't "please" us with a large number of errors. We hope the project...