重要 Signing in with a service principal requires the tenant ID which the service principal was created under. To get the active tenant when the service principal was created, run the following command immediately after service principal creation:Azure PowerShell 复制 打开Cloud Shell ...
PowerShell使用ServicePrincipal登陆Azure 一、打开PowerShell 二、输入下列命令 $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString"<这里换成您的AAD应用密钥>"-AsPlainText –Force $cred= New-Object -TypeName pscredential –ArgumentList"<这里换成您的AAD应用ID>", $pass Login-AzureRmAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud -Creden...
For more information on creating service principals, see Create an Azure service principal with Azure PowerShell.Azure PowerShell نسخ $sp = New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName ServicePrincipalName تنبيه The provided service principal secret is stored in the AzureRmContext....
它使用 New-AzADServicePrincipal 创建具有自签名证书的服务主体,并使用 New-AzRoleAssignment 将读取者角色分配给该服务主体。 角色分配的范围限定为当前所选 Azure 订阅。 若要选择其他订阅,请使用 Set-AzContext。备注 New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet 和 PKI 模块目前在 PowerShell Core 中不受支持。Pow...
powershell 调用New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName sp−PasswordCredential sp−PasswordCredentialspCred,出现如下错误: Resource not found for the segment 'me'. 2021090304.png Powershell脚本为: # Login to China Azure$username="xxxxx@xxxx.partner.onmschina.cn"$password="xxxxxxxxxxxx"$pscredential=Ne...
Azure PowerShell Get-AzRoleAssignment-IncludeClassicAdministrators 列出托管标识的角色分配 执行以下步骤: 获取系统分配的或用户分配的托管标识的对象 ID。 若要获取用户分配的托管标识的对象 ID,可以使用Get-AzADServicePrincipal。 Azure PowerShell Get-AzADServicePrincipal-DisplayNameBeginsWith"<name> or <vmname>...
powershell 调用New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName sp−PasswordCredential sp−PasswordCredentialspCred,出现如下错误: Resource not found for the segment 'me'. Powershell脚本为: # Login to China Azure$username="xxxxx@xxxx.partner.onmschina.cn"$password="xxxxxxxxxxxx"$pscredential=New-ObjectSystem...
The service principal is added to the AAD tenant using the AAD cmdlets and then given access to ARM mode using the Azure cmdlets. Consequently, the following must be done by a user who is a co-admin for ASM and in the Owner role for ARM. This user must be signe...
In the identity space a service principal is used to represent an application. Consequently, the creation of a service principal requires the creation of an AAD application to which the service principal can be attached. The following shows the use of New-AzureRMADApplication to create an ...
突然之间,使用PowerShell脚本 Get-AzVirtualNetwork 获取虚拟网络信息时,如果带上 -DefaultProfile $sub 参数,就出现 Azure credentials 错误。 代码: Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential$pscredential-Tenant$cloudroomTenantId-Environment$region$sub= Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId$cloudroomId-Tenant$cloudro...