1. 输入命令:Install-Module AzureAD,安装和部署AzureAD所需要的module,如下所示: 2. 输入命令连接Azure AD:Connect-AzureAD 3. 获取所有已存在的AzureADGroups:get-azureadgroup 4. 通过命令新建Azure AD Group:New-AzureADGroup -Description "DemoNancy" -DisplayName "DemoNancy" -MailEnabled $false -Securi...
This cmdlet will also return roles that the user is a member of through security group membership. New-MsolGroup The New-MsolGroup cmdlet is used to add a new security group to Azure AD. Redo-MsolProvisionGroup The Redo-MsolProvisionGroup cmdlet can be used to retry the provisioning of ...
用到的命令: get-aduser;add-adgroupmember 完整命令:
因此,为了满足您的要求,您必须有一些与Azure AD通信的方法。您的要求是不使用任何额外的库,而是使用...
My question is, does a cmdlet exist that does the equivalent function ofGet-ADPrincipalGroupMembershipfor M365 or AzureAD, and if not is there a way to achieve a similar functionalitywithoutenumerating and comparing every single group in a tenant. ...
My question is, does a cmdlet exist that does the equivalent function of Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership for M365 or AzureAD, and if not is there a way...
For example, to create a new group namedFileServerAdmins, enter the following command in the console, and then press the Enter key: PowerShell New-ADGroup-NameFileServerAdmins-GroupScopeGlobal Managing group membership As previously mentioned, you can use...
此 Cmdlet 會採用其參數來檢查群組成員資格的使用者 ObjectId,以及要檢查成員資格的群組清單。 群組清單必須以類型為 「Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck」 的複雜變數形式提供,因此我們必須先建立具有該類型的變數: PowerShell Get-MgUserMemberOf-UserId053a6a7e-4a75-48bc-8324-d70f50ec...