若要清除变量,还可以使用 Clear-Variable。 可以将数学运算符与变量一起使用,如以下示例所示: PowerShell $area=$length*$width$sum=$num1+$num2$path=$folder+$file 可以使用 Set-Variable cmdlet 设置变量的值。 使用此 cmdlet 时,在引用名称时不包括$符号,如以下示例所示: ...
借助PowerShell,可通过将赋值括在括号()内,在表达式中使用赋值。 PowerShell 会传递分配的值。 例如: PowerShell # In an `if` conditionalif($foo=Get-Item$PROFILE) {"$fooexists"}# Property access($profileFile=Get-Item$PROFILE).LastWriteTime# You can even *assign* to such expressions.($profileFil...
[Forum FAQ] Using PowerShell to assign permissions on Active Directory objects [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey 'The network path was not found.' [PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [...
Although the New-Variable cmdlet in Windows PowerShell does allow you to declare a variable and assign an initial value to it, you don't have to use the cmdlet. Instead, you can create a new variable on the fly simply by assigning a value to it: ...
变量引用(例如)$using:var从调用方上下文扩展到变量$var的值。 无法访问调用方变量对象。 范围Using修饰符不能用于修改PSSession中的局部变量。 例如,以下代码不起作用: PowerShell复制 $s=New-PSSession-ComputerNameS1$ps="*PowerShell*"Invoke-Command-Session$s-ScriptBlock{$Using:ps='Cannot assign new value...
In Windows PowerShell, execute the following command to assign a variable namedMSBuildPathto the full path of the MSBuild executable in the .NET Framework directory. This command determines the path based on the value of theInstallPathstring value under theHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET...
following syntax:([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('<Path>\<FileName>')). You can use this command as the parameter value, or you can write the output to a variable ($data = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('<Path>\<FileName>')) and use the variable as the parameter value ($data)...
Use assignment operators (=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=) to assign, change, or append values to variables. You can combine arithmetic operators with assignment to assign the result of the arithmetic operation to a variable. For more information, seeabout_Assignment_Operators. ...
Windows Powershell will assign a position based on the order that you define the parameters. It is recommended as a best practice to always assign the position when defining the parameters. You’ll find things don’t break later on when you go to add additional parameters as you need changes...
Let’s focus instead on the[string]type in front of the parameter name. By putting the parameter’s type between square brackets before the parameter variable name, you cast the parameter’s value to a specific type. PowerShell will always try to convert any value that’s passed to this ...