$userInput = Read-Host "请输入内容:" 接下来,可以使用Write-Host命令将用户输入的内容显示在控制台上。 示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 Write-Host "您输入的内容是:$userInput" 这样,用户输入的内容将被显示在控制台上。 PowerShell是一种跨平台的脚本语言和命令行工具,它可以用于自动化任务、系统管理和配置管...
Inspired by Microsoft Copilot’s popularity, I wondered if something similar could be built using PowerShell. Specifically, could PowerShell open a Word document and allow users to ask questions about it using natural language? This article will demonstrate a proof of concept for this idea rather...
再次,消息框没有弹出。如果我删除消息开头的“$msgBoxInput =”,则会弹出该框,但用户选择什么并不重要,代码只会运行,就像他们按下“是”一样。这可能是完全错误的方法,老实说我不知道。我一直对我的用户组(我有 30 多个用户)使用批处理文件,因为它比尝试使用实际的 PS1 更容易。如果有更好/更简单的...
You can use the Read-Host cmdlet to obtain input from users while a script is running. The request for user input could be a prompt to start the script or based on results from processing that's already happened in the script. For example, after performing a query f...
# Ask for input # https://www.robvanderwoude.com/powershellsnippets.php#AskInput # Multiple characters, case sensitive string, terminated with Enter # === $input = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your name" # or: Write-Host "Enter your name " -NoNewLine $input = $Host.UI.ReadLine( ) #...
more problems, i just followed this steps and opened Windows PowerShell administrato version, still gave me an error..
on Tuesday, ask the caller to call back later.Parameters-CallerIdsThe CallerIds parameter specifies an entry for the "If the Caller is" condition. Each entry for this parameter can contain a phone number, an Active Directory contact, a personal contact, or the personal Contacts folder. The ...
One of the good ways to learn is to create a scenario. for example. If you need to automate AAD User creation for your organization, try it. Ask here or in other channels, we are all here to share, learn and help. Learn About Graph API SDK, as you can control Microsoft 365 ...
{"type":"PowerShell","name":"installFSLogix","runElevated": true,"runAsSystem": true,"scriptUri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/azure/azvmimagebuilder/main/solutions/14_Building_Images_WVD/0_installConfFsLogix.ps1" Comment your code: The VM Image Builder build ...