$array = 1..5 | ForEach-Object { "ATX-SQL-$PSItem" } 通常,当我们考虑使用管道时,我们会想到典型的 PowerShell 单行命令。 可以通过 foreach() 语句和其他循环来利用管道。 因此,我们可以将项放到管道中,而不是在循环中向数组添加项。PowerShell 复制 ...
ForEach (string methodName, object[] 参数) LastForEach()方法可用于对集合中的每个项执行方法。PowerShell 复制 ("one", "two", "three").ForEach("ToUpper") Output 复制 ONE TWO THREE 与的ForEach-ObjectArgumentList 参数一样,arguments参数允许将值数组传递到配置为接受它们的脚本块。
array and array list with custom object Array Contains String not comparing. Array Counts Array Dropdown set to a variable Array to string and spaces Array to string using newlines possible? Asset Inventory - Assistance with Powershell Script ASSIGN AN HTML BLOCK TO A VARIABLE Assigning a timeou...
括号内的 语句部分foreach表示要循环访问的变量和集合。 PowerShell 在循环运行时自动foreach创建变量$<item>。 每次迭代开始时,foreach将项变量设置为集合中的下一个值。 块{<statement list>}包含要针对每个迭代执行的命令。 示例 例如,foreach以下示例中的 循环显示 数组中的$letterArray值。
# Send the REST API request and initialize the members array list. $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $request_GetEntitlements -headers $headers -Method Get $response.items | ForEach-Object { $members.add($_.id) | out-null } # Iterate through all user entitlements $response.items | ForEa...
While the first method is preferred, there is no difference between these two methods. When you run the function, the value you supply for a parameter is assigned to a variable that contains the parameter name. The value of that variable can be used in the function. ...
# simpleforecast forecastday has 10 array object $forecastdays=$build_infoJson.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday ; $forecastdaysArraryList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($forecastday in $forecastdays) { $forecastdaysArraryList.add(@{ ...
It can also select unique objects from an array of objects, or it can select a specified number of objects from the beginning or end of an array of objects. Select-String Finds text in strings and files. Select-XML Finds text in an XML string or document. Send-MailMessage Sends an e-...
If there are no matches in the collection, comparison operators return an empty array. For example: PowerShell Copy $a = (1, 2) -eq 3 $a.GetType().Name $a.Count Output Copy Object[] 0 There are a few exceptions: The containment and type operators always return a Boolean...
We will need to break these computer names into an array. To do this, we use the split method of the string object: Copy If($Computers) { if($Computers.Contains(",")) {$Computers = $Computers.Split(",")} Test-ComputerConnection; exit } If the script was run with the -help ...