如果需要数组,可以在列表中调用ToArray()方法,也可以让 PowerShell 为你创建数组: PowerShell $results= @(Get-SomethingGet-SomethingElse) 在此示例中,PowerShell 创建一个[ArrayList],用于保存写入数组表达式内的管道的结果。 在分配给$results之前,PowerShell 会将[ArrayList]转换为[Object[]]。
如果需要数组,可以在列表中调用ToArray()方法,也可以让 PowerShell 为你创建数组: PowerShell $results= @(Get-SomethingGet-SomethingElse) 在此示例中,PowerShell 创建一个[ArrayList],用于保存写入数组表达式内的管道的结果。 在分配给$results之前,PowerShell 会将[ArrayList]转换为[Object[]]。
Add a Property to an Array that Adds a Range of IPs Add a URL rewrite condition on IIS using Powershell Add Array Items to Listbox Add blank column to csv with no header? Add column to text file Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD gr...
# 读取txt文件的所有行 $lines = Get-Content -Path "path/to/file.txt" # 创建一个空的数组,用于存储转换后的JSON对象 $jsonArray = @() # 遍历每一行,将其转换为JSON对象并添加到数组中 foreach ($line in $lines) { $jsonObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ "line" = $line } $jsonArray +=...
ProcessTopicBatch {param($batch, [string]$batchId, [string]$outputFile, [SecureString]$token, [string]$kmDomain, [bool]$processFirst, [bool]$fiddler, [bool]$verbose)Write-Host"Batch$batchId"$entities= DownloadTopicsBatch$batch$token$kmDomain-fiddler$fiddler-verbose$verbose# lock output file ...
This module is intended to be asimpleproject management tool. You can use it to track tasks or to-do items. These are added to theTasksproperty as an array of strings. You can manually add them to the JSON file or use theSet-PSProjectStatusfunction. ...
"# Modify the condition as per your requirements$command=New-Object-TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query,$connection)$reader=$command.ExecuteReader()$FileCurrentStatus="C:\temp\CurrentStatus.Json"$ChangesFound="C:\temp\ChangesFound.Json"# Store the datab...
Begin { $log = New-RandomFilename -useTemp -extension log Write-Detail "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" -Prefix begin | Tee-Verbose $log Write-Detail "Logging verbose output to $log" -prefix begin | Tee-Verbose -append Write-Detail "Initializing data array" -Prefix begin | Tee-...
Force an expression to be evaluated as an array. ` Escape or Continue on the next line.The cmdlets above are listed in A-Z order, matching the Verb- and/or -Noun and/or Alias of the cmdlet (so some duplicates). To scroll this page, press [ a – z ] on the keyboard, also on ...