Check Creation Date on File and Send Email if it Doesn't Match Current Date Check for empty XML element Check for file exists and not zero byte otherwise bypass step execution and log messages Check for files older than 2 minutes and sends out notification if the file still exists check for...
當您執行 if 語句時,PowerShell 會將 <test1> 條件表達式評估為 true 或 false。 如果 <test1> 為true, <statement list 1> 則執行 ,且 PowerShell 會 if 結束 語句。 如果 <test1> 為false,PowerShell 會評估條件語句所 <test2> 指定的條件。 如需布爾值評估的詳細資訊,請參閱 about_Booleans。 如果<...
command-module: primary-expression command-name: generic-token generic-token-with-subexpr generic-token-with-subexpr: No whitespace is allowed between ) and command-name. generic-token-with-subexpr-start statement-list~opt~ ) command-name command-name-expr: command-name primary-expression command-...
("DisplayName") # for each value which is not blank if ($null -ne $value -and $value -ne ""){ # The below if statement looks through the values discovered above in the uninstall Registry location and only for the programs defined in the variables above $DisplayVersion = $Read...
If-Else/Do-While/Switch/For/While都和普通编程语言无异 ForEach Foreach($<item> in $<collection>) { Statement-1 Statement-2 Statement-N } 函数 常规函数 function[<scope:>]<name>[([type]$parameter1[,[type]$parameter2])]{param([type]$parameter1[,[type]$parameter2])dynamicparam{<stateme...
The function is created on the PowerShell command line. TheFunctioncommand uses the nameSearch-Help. PressEnterto begin adding statements to the function. From the>>prompt, add each statement and pressEnteras shown in the example. After the closing bracket is added, you're returned to a Powe...
catch [[<error type>][','<error type>]*] {<statement list>} 错误类型用括号括起来显示。 最外部的括号表示元素是可选的。 catch关键字后跟错误类型规范和语句列表的可选列表。 如果在try块中出现终止错误,PowerShell 将搜索相应的catch块。 如果找到一个块,则执行catch块中的语句。
and it can be found in many other places. The upside of a self-signed certificate is that it's free and doesn't require any infrastructure. The downside, however, is that it's really only usable on your computer. But if you just need to enable script execution on your computer—for ...
keep in mind that this script could take quite awhile to complete; that’s going to be especially true if: a) you have a lot of computer accounts in the domain; and/or b) at least some of these computers are offline. Ideally, you would ping each computer before trying to connect to...
Interested readers can modify the script to operate on the (rarely used) Execute T-SQL Statement Task. It will also skip any StoredProcedure invocation calls. Usage The TSQLfromDTSX.ps1 script takes 2 parameters: the path to the files and an option to recursively look at sub-folders. power...