PowerShell下可以使用的Unix/Linux命令别名为: cat、dir、mount、rm、cd、echo、move、rmdir、chdir、erase、popd、sleep、clear、h、ps、sort、cls、history、pushd、tee、copy、kill、pwd、type、del、lp、r、write、diff、ls、ren 使用Get-Alias可以获得这些别名对应的PowerShell真实命令 实例: 获得支持的所有别名 ...
Alias cd Set-Location Alias chdir Set-Location Alias clc Clear-Content Alias clear Clear-Host … You can use these aliases alone, like we just did, or anywhere within a command string where you’d use the cmdlet. For example, here’s a command that retrieves the cmdlet associated with th...
Furthermore, you’ll see the version number in the screenshot. PowerShell 5.x is pre-installed on Windows. The version information for PowerShell Core does not even refer to it as “PowerShell Core,” but rather to PowerShell 6.1.3. In most cases, when Microsoft releases a new version ...
It is common in Linux to define aliases and/or environment variables within login profiles to set default parameters for commands you use frequently (e.g. alias ls=ls -AFh or export LESS=-i). One of the drawbacks of proxying through a non-interactive shell via wsl.ex...
Az olyan parancsok, mint például dir az lsés most már aliasok Get-ChildItem, cd a következőhöz tartoznak Set-Location: . és pwd a Get-Location. Fájlok és könyvtárak lekérése A Get-ChildItem parancsmag az aktuális helyen lévő összes fájlt és könyv...
NameCategorySynopsis---%AliasForEachObject?AliasWhereObjectacAliasAddContentasnpAliasAddPSSnapincatAliasGetContentcdAliasSetLocationchdirAliasSetLocationclcAliasClearContentclearAliasClearHostclhyAliasClearHistorycliAliasClearItem clpAliasClearItemPropertyclsAliasClearHostclvAliasClearVariablecompareAliasCompareObjectcopyA...
Import-Csv .\aliases.txt | New-Alias copy Rqv rtslue aj reeht onw elasias, anmed d, sel, hsn go, hicwh tpnio kr vbr macnmods Get-ChildItem, Select-Object, nsp Invoke-Command, scelvripteey. Cqja zj c opelwruf nuqtheice lxt spgnias rcsu mltv enx dmonmca kr nthreao nsb ...
Import-Csv .\aliases.txt | New-Alias copy Rqv rtslue aj reeht onw elasias, anmed d, sel, hsn go, hicwh tpnio kr vbr macnmods Get-ChildItem, Select-Object, nsp Invoke-Command, scelvripteey. Cqja zj c opelwruf nuqtheice lxt spgnias rcsu mltv enx dmonmca kr nthreao nsb ...
How can i create alias for existing user account in Active Directory how can i discover service accounts in a domain ! how can i filter the all users last logon time in active directory? How can I force a client logon in a different Domain controller? How can I get the attributes deta...
r-alias.txt:4:AliasrdrRemove-PSDrive Select-String accepts arrays of regular expressions to specify STRINGS In that example, we were looking for a string but you can specify a regular expression or set of regular expressions: PS>ss” [a-r]dr” * ...