Get-Command -Name dir CommandType Name ModuleName --- --- --- Alias dir -> Get-ChildItem雖然它通常用於 Cmdlet 和函式, Get-Command 但也會取得腳本、函式、別名和可執行檔。命令的輸出會顯示別名之 Name 屬性值的特殊檢視。 檢視會顯示別名和完整的命令名稱。範例11:從別名取得語法此範例...
EnterPSHostProcessCommand EnterPSSessionCommand EnvironmentProvider ExitPSHostProcessCommand ExitPSSessionCommand ExperimentalFeatureNameCompleter ExportAliasCommand ExportAliasFormat ExportClixmlCommand ExportCsvCommand ExportFormatDataCommand ExportModuleMemberCommand ExportPSSessionCommand FileHashInfo FileSystemClearContent...
為和 重構新增-Verb自變數完成器Get-Verb/Get-Command(Get-Verb) (感謝@ArmaanMcleod) 為-Verb(#20415) 新增Start-Process自變數完成器 (感謝@ArmaanMcleod) 新增-Scope、*-Variable和*-Alias命令的*-PSDrive自變數完成器 (#20451) (感謝@ArmaanMcleod) ...
private string _name = "PowerShellIsolatedStore"; /// <summary>name of store</summary> [Alias("Filename")] [Parameter] public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } Common ParametersWindows PowerShell reserves a few parameter names, referred to as Common paramet...
file and directory name properties. Then I pipe that result to the format-table cmdlet with an -auto switch to produce a condensed display. Of course, I could have typed just "get-childitem" (or one of its aliases) without any piping to accept all the default arguments for the command....
スクリプト スコープで定義されている変数とエイリアスを検索するには、 Get-Alias または Get-Variable コマンドレットの Scope パラメーターを使用します。たとえば、次のコマンドは、ローカル (スクリプト) スコープ内の変数を取得します。PowerShell コピー ...
"Elevation":{"Command":"Invoke-WindowsNativeAppWithElevation","Arguments":[{"OriginalName":"-Credential","DefaultValue":"(get-secret admin)"}]}, Elevation can be defined for each cmdlet. When authoring a Crescendojsonconfiguration, include the elevation definition before the parameters are defined...
# The commands to import.$commands="awk","emacs","grep","head","less","ls","man","sed","seq","ssh","tail","vim"# Register a function for each command.$commands| ForEach-Object { Invoke-Expression @" Remove-Alias$_-Force -ErrorAction Ignore ...
"command": "PowerShell.ShowHelp", "key": "ctrl+f1", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'powershell'" }, { "command": "PowerShell.ExpandAlias", "key": "shift+alt+e", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'powershell'" }, { "command": "PowerShe...
In this example, Get-Alias and Get-Command are used with the Out-File cmdlet to create two text files in the current directory, Alias.txt and Command.txt.Select-String uses the Path parameter with the asterisk (*) wildcard to search all files in the current directory with the f...