Add-Computer-DomainName ""-OUPath "OU=Computers,DC=yourdomain,DC=com"-Credential "yourdomain\username"-Restart 重新加入域(指定新计算机名): powershellCopy Code Remove-Computer -UnjoinDomainCredential "yourdomain\username" -PassThru -Restart 计算机帐户管理 查看计算机帐户详细信息: powers...
netdomjoin<ComputerName> /domain:<DomainName> /userD:<Username> /passwordD:<Password> /passwordT:<NewPassword> /restart Add-Computer: powershellCopy Code Add-Computer-DomainName<DomainName>-Credential(Get-Credential)-AccountPassword(ConvertTo-SecureString"password"-AsPlainText-Force)-Restart netdom更...
Add-Computer-DomainNameDomain01-Restart 此命令将本地计算机添加到 Domain01 域,然后重启计算机以使更改生效。 示例2:将本地计算机添加到工作组 PowerShell Add-Computer-WorkgroupNameWORKGROUP-A 此命令将本地计算机添加到 Workgroup-A 工作组。 示例3:将本地计算机添加到域 ...
$password = "abcABC123" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force$Credential =New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username, $password)Add-Computer -DomainName -Credential $Credential#重启电脑Restart-Computer # 红蓝对抗 # 靶场实战 陌度
PowerShell 脚本执行策略用于控制何时以及何种方式执行 PowerShell 脚本。通过执行策略可以限制 PowerShell ...
Add-Computer -ComputerName $computers -Domain "YourDomainName" -Restart Example picture below running on my domain The first line sets up a variable ($computers), which stores the values of the text file. The 2nd line is similar to the previous examples, now I jus...
AddComputerCommand Class Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands Assembly: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 Adds the specified computer(s) to the Domain or Work Group. If the account does not ...
To target a remote computer, simply add the parameter "-ComputerName server01" to gwmi/Get-WmiObject. Pipe to Get-Member instead of Select to see all properties, or Select * - or Format-List *.From WSUSIf you have WSUS set up against the desired target computers, this will be an easy...
Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD group Add computers to domain in bulk / mass Add Computers to Security Group Based on OU Add current date to email subject line Add custom AD attribute to user depending on parent OU Add Custom Function ...