要处理 Hashtable 中的每个对,请使用 Keys 属性检索数组形式的键列表,然后枚举通过 Value 属性或下标获取关联值的该数组的元素。PowerShell 复制 $h1 = @{ FirstName = "James"; LastName = "Anderson"; IDNum = 123} foreach ($e in $h1.Keys) { "Key is " + $e + ", Value is " + $h1...
$value = 36 $ageList.add( $key, $value ) $ageList.add( 'Alex', 9 ) 也可以有初始值 $ageList = @{ Kevin = 36 Alex = 9 } 可以用键值索引和赋值,也支持.语法 $ageList = @{} $key = 'Kevin' $value = 36 $ageList[$key] = $value $ageList['Alex'] = 9 $ageList.Alex = 9...
$hash["<key>"] ="<value>" 例如,若要将值为“Now”的“Time”键添加到哈希表,请使用以下语句格式。 PowerShell $hash["Time"] ="Now" 还可以使用System.Collections.Hashtable对象的Add方法将键和值添加到哈希表。Add方法采用以下语法: PowerShell ...
$hash= @{} 可以使用数组表示法添加键值对。 例如,以下示例向哈希表添加Time键,其值为Now。 PowerShell $hash["Time"] ="Now" 还可以使用System.Collections.Hashtable对象的Add()方法向哈希表添加键和值。Add()方法采用以下语法: PowerShell Add(Key, Value) ...
hashtable是一个类似于数组的数据结构,除了你使用键来存储一个值(或者对象),它是一个基本的键/值对存储.首先,我们来创建一个空的hashtable $ageList= @{} 注意这里用的是花括号,而上面定义数组用的是小括号. 然后我们使得键来添加一些值: $key='Kevin'$value= 36$ageList.add($key,$value)$ageList.add...
In Powershell,you use hash literals to create a hashtable inline a script.Here it is a simple example: This example created a hashtable that contained three key-value pairs. The hashtable starts with the token “@{” and ends with “}”. Inside the delimiters, you define a set of key...
How to add value in JSON Array using PowerShell How to allow distribution group to receive emails from external emails ? How to Allow PowerShell to Work Non-Interactive How to append date/time to each start-transcript session How to append header upto four columns using powershell in csv fil...
Plug in the name of a value, for example: [array]$Hashtable=$NULL $Hashtable+=@{Purple=54} $Hashtable+=@{People=37} $Hashtable+=@{Eater=78} To find the value calledPeople, add the name to the hash table variable: $Hashtable.People ...
1.Create an empty hash table. 2.Store the empty hash table in a variable. 3.Collect the data. 4.Store the collected data in a variable. 5.Use theforeachstatement to walk through the collected data. 6.Inside the loop call theaddmethod to add the key value pairs to the hash table. ...
cases, you wouldn’t want all strings to suddenly be converted into a stream of characters. Or for a hash table, you wouldn’t likely want that to be auto-converted into a sequence of key/value pairs. In most cases you would want these types to be treated as lightweight scalar objects...