Verb Group --- --- Add Common Approve Lifecycle Assert Lifecycle Backup Data Block Security Checkpoint Data Clear Common Close Common Compare Data Complete Lifecycle Compress Data Confirm Lifecycle Connect Communications Convert Data ConvertFrom Data ConvertTo Data Copy Common Debug Diagnostic Deny Lifecycl...
以下示例显示变量的值$MyVariable,更改变量的值,然后显示新值。 PowerShell $MyVariable=1,2,3$MyVariable Output 1 2 3 PowerShell $MyVariable="The green cat."$MyVariable Output The green cat. 若要删除变量的值,请使用Clear-Variablecmdlet 或将值更改为$null。
Windows PowerShell 3.0 包含現有 Cmdlet (包括簡化語法) 的新功能,以及下列 Cmdlet 的新參數:Computer Cmdlet、CSV Cmdlet、Get-ChildItem、Get-Command、Get-Content、Get-History、Measure-Object、Security Cmdlet、Select-Object、Select-String、Split-Path、Start-Process、Tee-Object、Test-Connection、Add-Member ...
about_Variable_Provider about_While about_Wildcards about_Windows_PowerShell_Compatibility Add-History Clear-History Clear-Host Connect-PSSession Debug-Job Disable-ExperimentalFeature Disable-PSRemoting Disable-PSSessionConfiguration Disconnect-PSSession Enable-ExperimentalFeature Enable-PSRemoting Enable-PSSessionCon...
Add completion single/double quote support for -Noun parameter for Get-Command (#24977) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!) Stringify ErrorRecord with empty exception message to empty string (#24949) (Thanks @MatejKafka!) Add completion single/double quote support for -PSEdition parameter for Get-Module (...
添加-NoEmphasize 参数来为 Select-String 输出着色 (#8963)(感谢 @derek-xia!) 重新添加 Get-HotFix cmdlet (#10740) 使Add-Type 可用于托管 PowerShell 的应用程序 (#10587) 在LanguagePrimitives.IsNullLike() 中使用更有效的计算顺序 (#10781)(感谢 @vexx32!) 在Format-Hex 中改进对混合集合管道输...
Add-Content Get-Content Set-Content Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Export-Clixml Export-Csv Export-PSSession Format-Hex Import-Csv Out-File Select-String Send-MailMessage 字节顺序标记 BOM) (字节顺序标记是文件或文本流的前几个字节中的Unicode 签名,用于指示用于数据的 Unicode 编码。 有关详细信息,请参阅...
Get-WinEvent[-MaxEvents <Int64>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-FilterXml] <XmlDocument> [-Oldest] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 此cmdlet 仅在 Windows 平台上可用。 Get-WinEventcmdlet 从事件日志(包括经典日志)获取事件,例如系统和应用程序日志。 该 cmdlet 从 Windows Vista ...
# Create a calculated property called $_.StartTime.DayOfWeekGet-Process|Select-Object-PropertyProcessName,{$_.StartTime.DayOfWeek} ProcessName$_.StartTime.DayOfWeek --- --- alg Wednesday ati2evxx Wednesday ati2evxx Thursday ...# Add a custom property to calculate the size in KiloBytes of each ...
Hello, write the output of first step to external file, examplae text.csv with these file you can read each line and add the variable with content of the file. Get-Content.\test.csv|ForEach-Object{if($_-match$temp){#I add write-output to show the content of the file test.csv...