$localAdminGroup.Add($AdminsG.PSBase.Path) Write-Host "Adding" $AdminsG.PSBase.Path "to" $name } # End of User Group Loop } # End of Server List Loop Remove multiple security groups on multiple servers # This script will delete multiple security groups on multi...
the inbound security rule.$nsg|Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig-Name$rulename-Description"Allow app port"-AccessAllow `-Protocol*-DirectionInbound-Priority3891-SourceAddressPrefix"*"-SourcePortRange* `-DestinationAddressPrefix*-DestinationPortRange$port# Update the NSG.$nsg|Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup ...
<# Script Name: CreateOrUpdate_SecurityGroup_Per_LicenseType.ps1 Synopsis: This script is designed to perform following operations: 1. Create a security group for faculty and student members based on the assigned license SKU and add the members accordingly. 2. Update the security group to add/...
the inbound security rule.$nsg|Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig-Name$rulename-Description"Allow app port"-AccessAllow `-Protocol*-DirectionInbound-Priority3891-SourceAddressPrefix"*"-SourcePortRange* `-DestinationAddressPrefix*-DestinationPortRange$port# Update the NSG.$nsg|Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup ...
= 22 $ip1.IpRanges.Add("") $ip2 = new-object Amazon.EC2.Model.IpPermission $ip2.IpProtocol = "tcp" $ip2.FromPort = 3389 $ip2.ToPort = 3389 $ip2.IpRanges.Add("") Grant-EC2SecurityGroupIngress -GroupId $groupid -IpPermissions @( $ip1, $ip2 )...
nsg'#创建允许外部对3306端口访问,源IP必须是192.168.1.0/24$ruleName1= 'Inbound3306-rule'$sourceIP= ''$destinationPort= 3306$nsg= Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -Name$nsgName-ResourceGroupName$resourceGroupName$nsg| Add-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name$ruleName1-Description"...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/netsecurity/new-netfirewallrule?view=windowsserver2022-ps 修改现有防火墙规则 允许Web 80 规则,该规则为入站未经请求的流量启用 TCP 端口 80。 可以通过指定规则的可读本地化名称来更改规则,以匹配其流量将允许的 Web 服务器的不同远程 IP 地址访问进来。
Add-ADGroupmember group.dfs.root.business.clients $name1 write-host $name1 " is added into group.dfs.root.business.clients" } catch { write-host $name1 " is already in group.dfs.root.business.clients" } } write-host "" } 1. ...
To add the first server to a DAG and create a computer object for the DAG, the Exchange Windows Permissions security group must have the appropriate rights to add computer accounts to the domain. Alternatively, a computer account can be created and disabled prior to adding the server. Adding ...