Import-Csv/ConvertFrom-CSV:从定义为字符分隔值的项 (PSCustomObject) 创建自定义对象。 ConvertFrom-Json:创建在 JavaScript 对象表示法中定义的自定义对象 (JSON) 。 ConvertFrom-StringData:创建定义为键值对的自定义对象。 Add-Type:允许在 PowerShell 会话中定义可以使用 实例化的New-Object类。
Script properties 显示另外 2 个 When you extend .NET Framework objects, you can add alias properties, code properties, note properties, script properties, and property sets to the objects. The XML that defines these properties is described in the following sections.备注...
你仍可以使用Add-Member将新属性添加到PSCustomObject。 PowerShell $myObject|Add-Member-MemberTypeNoteProperty-Name'ID'-Value'KevinMarquette'$myObject.ID 删除属性 你还可以从对象中删除属性。 PowerShell $'ID') ...
The 'Foo' environment variable is set to: An example An example! 在PowerShell 中,环境变量不能设置为空字符串。 将环境变量设置为$null或空字符串会将其从当前会话中删除。 例如: PowerShell $Env:Foo=''$Env:Foo|Get-Member-MemberTypeProperties ...
To declare parameters for a cmdlet, you must first define the properties that represent the parameters. To inform the Windows PowerShell runtime that a property is a cmdlet parameter, you add a ParameterAttribute attribute to the property definition....
To declare parameters for a cmdlet, you must first define the properties that represent the parameters. To inform the Windows PowerShell runtime that a property is a cmdlet parameter, you add a ParameterAttribute attribute to the property definition....
[adsi]Active Directory Services object [wmiclass]WMI class [Boolean]True or False value You can also declare a variable's type using the full .NET Framework class name, like so: [System.Int32]$int = 5 This technique allows you to use types that are in the .NET Framework, but that do...
To create a new, blank object with no properties, I just run this:Copy $obj = New-Object PSObject The new object is stored in the variable $obj, and I can add whatever data I want to it. Once I have added all my data, it will then become the output of my function....
[// <-- Add string output to an object{"ParameterSetName":"Default","Handler":"$args[0]| select-object -skip 1 | %{$n,$v,$p,$s = "$_" -split ' '; [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $n -replace '/now'; Version = $v; Architecture = $p; State = $s.Trim('[]') -split ...
While creating a credential object can be useful, it is arguable whether it is a good thing. In this case, the credential is for a set of VMs I used in mymost recent PowerShell bookto illustrate using PowerShell in an Enterprise. As they are all local VMs and are only for testing, ...