AddHours(双精度值)添加指定小时数。 AddMinutes(双精度值)添加指定分钟数。 AddMonths(整数月份)添加指定月数。 AddYears(整数值)添加指定年份。 ToLongDateString()以字符串形式返回长格式的日期。 ToShortDateString()以字符串形式返回短格式的日期。 ToLongTimeString()以字符串形式返回长格式的时间。
AddTicks Method datetime AddTicks(long value) AddYears Method datetime AddYears(int value) CompareTo Method int CompareTo(System.Object value), int ... 你可以很快的看到 DateTime 对象具有一个AddDays方法,从而可以使用它来快速的获取昨天的日期: > (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) Saturday, January 20, 2018...
备注 Default模式和First模式都返回 first (numberToReturn)项,并且可以互换使用。LastPowerShell 复制 $h = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1) $logs = dir 'C:\' -Recurse '*.log' | Sort-Object CreationTime # Find the last 5 log files created in the past hour $logs.Where({$_.CreationTime -gt ...
$startingDate = (Get-Date -Hour 00 -Minute 00 -Second 00).adddays(-$numberOfDays) 创建这些变量之后,您将在事件日志中检索事件,并将查询结果存储在 $events 变量中。使用 Get-EventLog cmdlet 来查询事件日志并将“system”指定为日志名称。在 Windows PowerShell 2.0 中,您可以使用 –source 参数来减少...
specified $gpmAllGpos = $gpmDomain.SearchGPOs($gpmSearchCriteria) # Find all GPOs in the domain foreach ($gpmGpo in $gpmAllGpos) { if ($gpmGpo.ModificationTime -ge (get-date).AddDays(-1)) {$gpmGpo.DisplayName} # Check if the GPO has been modified less than 24 hours from now } ...
specified $gpmAllGpos = $gpmDomain.SearchGPOs($gpmSearchCriteria) # Find all GPOs in the domain foreach ($gpmGpo in $gpmAllGpos) { if ($gpmGpo.ModificationTime -ge (get-date).AddDays(-1)) {$gpmGpo.DisplayName} # Check if the GPO has been modified less than 24 hours from now } ...
$path="PSEvents_$($env:COMPUTERNAME)_$(Get-Date ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) -Format yyyyMMddHHmmss).csv"$hours=1# Increase this to have it query more than just the last 1 hour$now=Get-Date$startTimeUtc=Get-Date($now.AddHours(-$hours).ToUniversalTime())-Format'yyyy-MM-ddT...
Get-Date|Format-Custom{$_}#$_表示管道中当前对象classDateTime{$_=classDateTime{Day=27DayOfWeek=Wednesday DayOfYear=331Hour=15Kind=Local Millisecond=132Minute=41Month=11Second=5Ticks=637104660651327983TimeOfDay=classTimeSpan{Ticks=564651327983Days=0Hours=15Milliseconds=132Minutes=41Seconds=5TotalDays=0.653531...
return a customDateTimeobject. At first, I was only going to return the week of the year, but hey, I might want to know what that week of the year is associated with, and so I incorporated a call to theAdd-MemberWindows PowerShell cmdlet. The completeGet-ExtendedDatefunction is shown ...
Hey, wait. I did some work on the weekend. I only want Friday! Well, we can filter on that, too, by using theAddDays()method to our date and give it a range of 24 hours! Get-ChildItem-PathC:\-Include*.doc,*.docx-File-Recurse-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue|Where-Object{$_.LastWriteTim...