PowerShell 複製 $files.LastWriteTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) Output 複製 InvalidOperation: The property 'LastWriteTime' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set. 若要設定值,您必須使用 方法。PowerShell 複製 ...
Adding a new element to an existing array If I want to add an element to an existing array, it might make sense to choose the next index number, and attempt to assign a value in the same way that I change an existing value. When I do this, however, Windows PowerShell generates an ...
$a = 0..9 foreach ($element in $a) { $element } Output 复制 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 循环foreach 循环访问数组,并返回数组中的每个值,直到到达数组的末尾。在for 检查数组中的元素的同时递增计数器时,循环非常有用。 例如,若要使用 for 循环返回数组中的每个其他值,请键入:PowerShell 复制 ...
Another powerful technique for looping through an array in PowerShell is by using the pipeline with theForEach-Objectcmdlet. The pipeline allows you to pass the array elements to theForEach-Objectcmdlet, which then executes a script block for each element. Here’s an example: $users = "John...
相反,使用Set-Content,Add-Content和Out-File这几条命令,而不使用重定向,可以有效地规避前面的风险。这三条命令都支持-encoding参数,你可以用它来选择字符集。 创建新驱动器 你可能会惊讶,PowerShell允许你创建新的驱动器。并且不会限制你只创建基于网络的驱动器。你还可以使用驱动器作为你的文件系统中重要目录,...
TheContextparameter doesn't change the number of objects generated bySelect-String.Select-Stringgenerates oneMatchInfoobject for each match. The context is stored as an array of strings in theContextproperty of the object. When the output of aSelect-Stringcommand is sent down the pipeline to anot...
Descrive un comando linguistico che è possibile usare per attraversare tutti gli elementi in una raccolta di elementi.Descrizione lungaL'istruzione foreachè un costrutto di linguaggio per l'iterazione su un set di valori in una raccolta....
<ElementOneName>text for this element<ChildElementName>this one closes up before its parent does</ChildElementName></ElementOneName> 检测到的子节点,变量重置为打开关闭尖括号的下两个相邻对、 计数器递增和重要 $xpath 数组填充了一个新的元素: ...
Add a Property to an Array that Adds a Range of IPs Add a URL rewrite condition on IIS using Powershell Add Array Items to Listbox Add blank column to csv with no header? Add column to text file Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD ...
The length of the string matches the file size. If you attempt to select an element from the array, then you'll get individual characters as shown. Some other parameters of interest include the following: Waitkeeps the file open while checking and displaying new content once per second. Use...