set-aduser $user -ChangePasswordAtLogon:$true Set-ADUser $user -ChangePasswordAtLogon:$false 运行完再看。 已经改好了。 如果要批量就用这个脚本: ——— $users=get-aduser -Filter * -SearchBase "ou=,dc=,dc=" -Properties * | %{$_.Samaccountname} foreach ($user in $users) { set-ad...
‑ChangePasswordAtLogon需要用户帐户在下次登录时更改密码 ‑Department定义用户帐号的部门 ‑DisplayName定义用户帐户的显示名称 ‑HomeDirectory定义用户帐户的主目录位置 ‑HomeDrive定义映射到用户帐户的主目录的驱动器号 ‑GivenName定义用户帐户的名字 ...
AD Powershell script to generate last log in details for a specific user for last 60 days AD User - Update inheritable persmission AD User Creation Error AD User sid AD Users Active For Last 90 Days AD Users Change Company Name AD: Export list of all security groups + description ADCSAdmi...
Powershell变更AD用户的属性 需求:将指定OU的用户属性中“下次登陆时更改密码”启用。该选项启用后用户的密码即过期。 #Subject: Get the passwordexpired Property of the users and Set ChangePasswordAtLogon to yes. #Date:2017/05/26 Import-Module ActiveDirectory # 0 is Disable ChangePasswordAtLogon # 1...
If not, comment the next line Get-ADUser $user | Set-AdUser -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true Write-Host “Password has been reset for the user: $user” } # ———- End ———– Credit:
批量导出AD用户 Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "DC=KFGS, DC=COM, DC=CN" |Select-Object -Property SamAccountName, Surname, GivenName, Name, Group, UserPrincipalName, Path, AccountPassword, Enabled, ChangePasswordAtLogon | Export-Csv -Encoding unicode ADuser.csv ...
获取用户对象:通过创建PrincipalContext对象和调用UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity方法来定位当前用户。 设置新旧密码:这里我们转换明文密码为安全字符串。请注意,在实际应用中,最好通过安全方式获取用户的新旧密码。 更改密码:通过调用ChangePassword方法来更改用户的密码。
批量导出AD用户 Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "DC=KFGS, DC=COM, DC=CN" |Select-Object -Property SamAccountName, Surname, GivenName, Name, Group, UserPrincipalName, Path, AccountPassword, Enabled, ChangePasswordAtLogon | Export-Csv -Encoding unicode ADuser.csv ...
#这里如果是使用检索AD用户的方法的话可以直接写 #foreach($user in $userlist)替代get-content即可 Get-Content $UserList | %{ $name = $null $userinfo = $null $ExpireDate = $null $PasswordSetDate = $null $Today = $null $leftDays = $null ...