点击[添加新项] 3、点击[项目] 4、点击[名称] 5、点击[添加] 6、点击[mydll.cpp] 7、...
1) Does the support for PowerShell 7 require some changes to the settings.json? This is what I ended up doing ( see comments) : Configuring VSCode to use PowerShell 7 and PowerShell 5.1 2) Is there any docs to show which settings are only valid for the preview extension and what is...
修改vscode 终端用字字体 如果您使用单独的powershell或者采用windows termianl: 基于已经安装了oh my posh 的环境基础上进行 如果没有,可以参看: https://blog.csdn.net/xuchaoxin1375/article/details/117884567 不会引起乱码的字体: Nerd Font 系列字均可以; https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads 安装字体:...
解压后(打开windows setting:font) 批量安装: 全选+右键 或者 修改vscode 终端用字字体 重启vscode即可 如果您使用单独的powershell或者采用windows termianl: C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows PowerShell...
当然有个前提去github下载安装powershell 7, 这玩意真的很迷,按它提示完全没用,我就随便试了一下没想到尽然可以了, 如果按下图cmd的样子写又有可能这次能用下次就不行了,微软牛批。 上个图最后一行,鼠标放上去提示有可用值,如果你设置的名称不在可选值里也不生效。我试了好多次。非常迷。
VS Code creates a directory and a file.vscode\launch.jsonin the root of your workspace folder to store the debug configuration. If your files are in a Git repository, you typically want to commit thelaunch.jsonfile. The contents of thelaunch.jsonfile are: ...
You're more likely to have encoding problems when you're using characters not in the7-bit ASCII character set. For example: Extended non-letter characters like em-dash (—), non-breaking space () or left double quotation mark (")
Typerestartand selectPowershell: Restart session. SeePowerShell/vscode-powershell GitHub Issue 4332for more information. Next steps Learn more about Dataverse Web API capabilities by understanding the service documents. Web API types and operations ...
.vscode .vsts-ci CHANGELOG assets docker docs src test tools .editorconfig .gitattributes .gitignore .globalconfig .mailmap .markdownlint.json .markdownlintignore .spelling ADOPTERS.md Analyzers.props CHANGELOG.md CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md DotnetRuntimeMetadata.json LICENSE...
1) Does the support for PowerShell 7 require some changes to the settings.json? This is what I ended up doing ( see comments) : Configuring VSCode to use PowerShell 7 and PowerShell 5.1 2) Is there any docs to show which settings are only valid for the preview extension and what is...