3)font:https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads搜索一下hasklig,优点:兼容ubuntu和Windows平台,不会产生乱码。 解压,拷贝到:C:\Windows\Fonts (注意不要复制.txt 和 md格式的文件)或全选右键安装。 纠正:上述图中Hasklug Nerd Font Mono改为Hasklug Nerd Font "defaultProfile":"{3a5b8650-8d55-4527-b0...
Windows PowerShell 7.3.10 (32-bit) November, 16th 2023 - FreewareFree Download (93.1 MB)Review Screenshots Old VersionsLatest Version Windows PowerShell 7.4.6 (32-bit) Operating System Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 Author / Product Microsoft Corporation / Windows PowerShell...
PowerShell-7.4.7-win-x86.msi PowerShell-7.4.7-win-arm64.msi 下载后,双击安装程序文件并按照提示进行操作。 安装程序在 Windows“开始”菜单中创建一个快捷方式。 默认情况下,包安装位置为$env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\<version> 可以通过“开始”菜单或$env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\<version>\pwsh.exe启动 ...
Windows 更新独立安装程序 更新 /安静模式 /不重新启动 例如,我将运行以下命令来安装我已下载的更新: Windows 更新独立安装程序 "C:\Users\mahes\Downloads\windows11.0-kb5040527-x64_4713766dc272c376bee6d39d39a84a85bcd7f1e7.msu" /安静模式 /不重新启动 运行以下命令检查更新是否成功安装: wmic qfe 列表 ...
PowerShell 7.1 has been released on 11th November, 2020. It is available for download and installation on all platforms, including Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Linux and MacOS.PowerShell 7.1 is an update to the major version PowerShell 7.You...
PowerShell 7.4 和更新版本可以安裝在 Windows 10 組建 1607 和更新版本、Windows 11、Windows Server 2016 和更新版本上。 注意 特定Windows 版本的支持取決於 Microsoft 支援服務 生命周期原則。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Windows 用戶端生命週期常見問題 新式生命周期原則常見問題 ...
Step 4. Right-click on "Windows PowerShell" and opt for the "Open" command to launch it with administrator privileges.Method 7. Run PowerShell from the Windows 11 Start MenuIn contrast to Windows 10, where PowerShell has its dedicated folder among all applications, Windows 11 consolidates ...
Windows PowerShellin Windows 11/10, is a powerful tool whose capability set multiplies manifold over that of Command Prompt. Microsoft developed it for task automation and configuration management process. Based on the.NET Framework, it includes a command-line interface and a scripting language. ...
7.将所需的可选组件添加到映像 Dism /Add-Package /Image:"D:\winpe\mount" /PackagePath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\WinPE_OCs\WinPE-WMI.cab" Dism /Add-Package /Image:"D:\winpe\mount" /PackagePath:"C:\Progra...
将Powershell 7设为windows终端默认项 在windows终端-设置-启动中 选择默认配置文件为刚刚新建的配置项,保存 将Windows终端添加到Win+X菜单 首先下载(https://winaero.com/downloads/WinXMenuEditorRelease.zip)win+X菜单管理工具Win+X Menu Editor v3.0(官网) ...