New England Film Studio (Indie/In Prod.) THE RICH AND THE POOR ARE NAKED * Hardware Store owner G&G MEDIA background extra * other features & tv avail.upon request THE RESTAURANT * Drunk Patron-speaking role Boston Film Productions THE EXCHANGE * Clifford (lead role) NTL...
who doesn’t return his feelings but remains a colleague nonetheless. Working with various X-teams over the years, Guido battles many x-enemies, such as the mind-manipulating Shadow King, Nathaniel Essex, AKAMister Sinister, theBrotherhood of Mutants, and other super-strong mutants like Fred Duk...
When, soon after his return, England, in horror at the execution of the French king, joined the coalition of European powers against France, Wordsworth experienced a great shock--the first, he tells us, that his moral nature had ever suffered--at seeing his own country arrayed with corrupt...
of Melodi Thor's girlfriend who was actually Lorelei, the Enchantress' sister. There he added another spell to the mead she used to keep Thor in love with her, replaced Melodi with a stand-in and left a message for Thor: go to The Cotswolds of England with the Cask to get her back...
Liberalizing the health care market: the new government's ambition for the English National Health Service. England's National Health Service (NHS) faces the prospect of a radical overhaul by the current coalition government, with the aim of improving the quality... Q Richard,Lewis,Ruth,... ...
1. DEFINITION OF DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION OF POWERS Probably the leading modern work on separation of powers is by Professor Vile, published in England in 1967:"Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers" where the following definition is given: ...
The Bank of England is different, because of the indemnity arrangement under which the Treasury compensates for the APF’s losses. On this, it stands alone. While the Bank rate hovered close to zero, the downsides of this arrangement remained obscure. By 2021, the APFhoused£880bn in gilt...
It’s 1830. Three children — nowadays we’d probably call them pre-teens — are at Ponden Kirk, a crag of sandstone rock on Haworth Moor, West Yorkshire, England. It really does look like two stacks of gargantuan petrified books. Go and see it if you dare. The first of the three ...
When New England’s super-team, Excalibur, embarks on an interdimensional odyssey, a legendary team is born!
Unknown to him, the liquid had come from a fiery underground pool that supplied heat to the city of the Sun People. As the sailor was drinking, some tribesmen tried to kill him, forcing him to flee. The sailor managed to escape the Savage Land and return to England. Soon he discovered...