Powers of DarknessClinton Arnold examines Paul's teaching on powers and principalities comparing it with Jesus' teaching, Greek and Roman beliefs, and contemporary views. He concludes with biblical and practical guidelines for Christians today.Clinton E. Arnold...
图书Christ Victorious Over the Powers of Darkness, by the Light of His Preached Gospel. a Sermon Preached in Boston, December 12. 1733 at the Ordination o 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
This book exposes all the powers of darkness sent against mankind and teaches how to confront them in a spiritual battle to destroy them.Apostle Robert Muli
热门 还没人写过短评呢 << 首页 < 前页 后页> > War with the Devil, Or, the Young Mans Conflict with the Powers of Darkness 作者: Keach, Benjamin 页数: 202 isbn: 1275685919 书名: War with the Devil, Or, the Young Mans Conflict with the Powers of Darkness©...
War is raging throughout the lands of Veredor. The Kingdom of Everdon is threatened by the powers of darkness. A young woman begins a quest to save her world. This novel is set twenty five years before the events of The Sword of Light: Book One of the Veredor Chronicles.E J ...
In the beginning of Lord Of The Flies, Roger knew that it was not right to throw rocks at littluns. Roger has set up a lever under a rock and put all of his weight on it so the rock would roll down the hill and then “The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee, ...
My guest this time around isCharlie Jane Anders, who’s won the Hugo, Nebula, Sturgeon, Lambda Literary, Crawford and Locus Awards. The final volume of her Unstoppable trilogy,Promises Stronger Than Darkness(the first two wereVictories Greater Than DeathandDreams Bigger Than Heartbreak), was publ...
everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have more than enough. But from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. And throw this good-for-nothing slave into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’...
The character can use the Darkforce as a Force Field of power rank strength. Resistance to Darkness. The character has power rank Resistance to Darkness and related attacks. Resistance to Light. The character has power rank Resistance to Light and related attacks. Generate Darkfoce: Blunt attack...
A skilled acrobat and martial artist, Black Panther is able to run and move at incredible speeds, sense fear and lies, and see in total darkness. Year Created: 1966How he got his Powers: Having the juices of the Heart-Shaped Herb applied to his body.Weapons: Energy dagger, anti-metal ...