PPG and RRB Z Unite is a Japanese Anime Television Series Ran from 2011-2014 in Japan, This Show is a Sequel to Powerpuff Girls Z. After the Rowdyruff Boys are hit with white Z rays while breaking into the lab, they develop powers of their own, turn over
Status Unfortunately, copies of the two Thailand DVDs have long since gone out of print and are extremely rare today. Although Episodes 1-26 of the English dub have been recovered from the Complete Season 1 Thailand DVD, none of the episodes from the Season 2 DVD have ever been full...
HIM is The Powerpuff Girls creator Craig McCracken's favorite villain. HIM is arguably responsible for some of the darkest episodes in The Powerpuff Girls, especially when he is the main antagonist of them. As a result, episodes such as "Speed Demon" and "Tough Love" are commonly included...