Powerpuff Girls, American animated television series starring a trio of preschool-age girls who possess superpowers. The Powerpuff Girls, defenders of the fictional metropolis Townville, consist of the red-haired, level-headed leader, Blossom; the sweet,
6/10 Nice style Very special cartoon with little girls with superpowers. The style of the drawing is very particular but the storylines of the episodes didn't seem like much to me. Despite this it has had 6 seasons, a movie and an anime version. Helpful•2 2 ...
How to draw the Powerpuff Girls? STEP 3 All you have to do in this step is finish off their hair style lining an then add a smile on each face. You will then finish off the shaping of their arms and legs and then add two ear like shapes for Blossom's bow. STEP 4 Add the eyeba...
The Powerpuff Girls and the Lorax kwa Dr. Seuss added bygertchenhazard Source: 1012x1500 my drawing of the powerpuff girls :D added byimmabeamazing PPG New Style added by_Laugh_ PPG New Style added by_Laugh_ The Powerpuff Girls Meets Dumbo ...