The Powerpuff Girls is an animated comedy series that chronicles the adventures of three super-powered little girls created by a professor in an accidental lab experiment. Setting out to make his own little girl, Professor Utonium's experiment goes awry
Here is an inspiration for those with short nails. Also, they are handpainted yet so easy to follow. Go, girl! I’m sure no one would dare contradict me if I said that these nails are gorgeous. But, would you look at that rainbow base? It’s the definition of magnificent. These ar...
The Powerpuff Girls: Creato da Craig McCracken. Con Amanda Leighton, Natalie Palamides, Kristen Li, Tom Kane. Made from sugar, spice, everything nice and Chemical X by the Professor; Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup now use their superpowers and super cut
This movie,released in 2002,some four years after the PPG phenomenon had planted its flag on Cartoon Network(and onto the merchandise of many a little girl),was meant as a sort of love letter to their fans(mostly small kids,girls particularly)as well as a sort of "How it all started"...
Channeling Girl Power: Positive Female Media Images in "The Powerpuff Girls" Using information from web site reviews as well as interviews with preschool, elementary, undergraduate, and graduate students, this article argues that the television show "The Powerpuff Girls," despite its violent nature,...
“Vampirella is the original monster girl of comics. It’s always a joy to tell stories with her, looking good and being bad," said writer Gail Simone. "There were two major enticements to do this story; one was to work with the wonderful Joyce again, who draws sexy evil like few ca...
2/10 So many levels of NO. I have watched and re-watched all of the original PPG's episodes since I was a kid and when I heard that Cartoon Network was rebooting it I was extremely excited but I just couldn't understand any of the choices the team made when making this reboot. ...
Both these Asian works have their own section on, while the 2016 reboot does not. That alone says the terrible quality of this show. The fourth powderpuff girl had nothing but a quick effort to gain attention. When the twerking episode got PPG 2016 publicity, they allowed a...