1,打开SanPDF桌面版并输入PDF转PPT功能。2,选择我们的Adobe PDF文件。 3,点击按钮开始转换。这样就完成了文件的转换。只需几个简单的步骤即可将Adobe PDF转换为Microsoft Office PowerPoint PPTX幻灯片文件非常简单,这就是我喜欢使用SanPDF的原因。 接下来,我将向你介绍使用另一个名为ilovePDF的工具。 步骤三: 1,...
排列PDF文件 從PDF轉換 轉換為PDF PDF轉Word PDF轉Word zh-ft 轉換PowerPoint為PDF將PowerPoint文件轉換為PDF,具有難以置信的準確性。 選擇PowerPoint文件
Although allfiles processed with iLovePDF are completely secure, you might like having the option to process files locally on your computer, especially if you're dealing with highly confidential documents. To ensure the highest possible level of security, iLovePDF Desktop allows you to read and ...
将PPT转换为PDF文件,与原来的PPT或PPTX文件完全一样,并保持最佳质量。 上传你的文件,并转换它。选择多个POWERPOINT文件
1. Smallpdf 访问https://www.smallpdf.com/word-to-powerpoint,点击“将Word转换为PowerPoint”。 2. ILovePDF 访问https://www.ilovepdf.com/word-to-powerpoint,上传Word文档,然后选择转换为PowerPoint幻灯片的格式。 在这些专业转换软件中,你可以对转换后的PowerPoint文件进行一些额外的编辑和调整,如添加动画、...
Convert scanned PDF and image to PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc. Convert large or password-protected PDF files to PPT smoothly. Highly preserve original layouts, formatting, graphics, text, etc. Support fast and batch conversion, also partial conversion. ...
Although Adobe Acrobat is not a free tool, it offers a 7-day free trial that allows you to test its features before deciding whether or not to purchase a subscription. It is also available as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud. 3. ILovePDF – Free Convert PDF to PowerPoint ...
Method 2. iLovePDF iLovePDF provides a convenient and efficient solution for managing PDF files, whether it's for personal, educational, or professional purposes. Its diverse range of instruments and accessibility make the website a valuable platform for everyone. How to convert PPT to PDF: Vis...
Choose any of them, let's say you chooseilovepdf, open it. Click onSelect PowerPoint filesand choose the PPT file that you want to convert into PDF. After you choose the file, your PPT file will be uploaded. Now click onConvert to PDF ...
步骤1:找到硝基免费在线访问其PDF到PowerPoint转换器。 步骤2:设置地产作为您要将PDF转换为的输出格式。 步骤3:点击选择你的文件添加PDF文档。 步骤4:在所需的空白处输入您的电子邮件地址。 步骤5:点击立即转换在线将PDF文件转换为PowerPoint。 解决方案4:iLovePDF –将PDF转换为PowerPoint Free Online ...