首次打开 PowerPoint 时,在左侧列中,选择“新建”;如果已打开 PowerPoint 演示文稿,请转到“文件>新建”。 在“新建”窗口中,打开带有组织名称的 templates 文件夹。 你将在 或 包含品牌模板的文件夹中看到品牌模板。 右键单击所需模板,然后从上下文菜单中选择“创建”,以使用该模板创建新的演示文稿。 PowerPoint fo...
Bring presentations to life with customizable PowerPoint design templates. Whether you're wowing with stats or putting your latest ideas on display, find a PowerPoint template that pops.
Bring presentations to life with customizable PowerPoint design templates. Whether you're wowing with stats or putting your latest ideas on display, find a PowerPoint template that pops.
Download free PowerPoint templates and PowerPoint backgrounds to deliver your next presentations (timelines, roadmap, diagrams and more).
如果想要对下一个演示文稿使用已保存的模板,请执行以下操作。 在“文件”选项卡上,单击“新建”。 选择“个人”或“自定义”。 (名称因情况而异。) 提示:如果未看到“个人”或“自定义”,则可能没有在 templates 文件夹中存储任何模板。 创建并保存模板,或使用下一部分中的步骤将模板复制到该文件夹。
To create a PowerPoint template, create a new presentation, add any text, graphics, buttons, toolbars, custom dialog boxes, and code, and save the presentation in the C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates folder; if user profiles are being used, save the template in the C:\Windows...
Choose from thousands of free templates to download at Microsoft templates WindowsWeb Select a topic to see detailed instructions: Create a PowerPoint template Save your presentation as a PowerPoint template (.potx) Apply a template to a new presentation See Also Create your own...
To create a PowerPoint template, create a new presentation, add any text, graphics, buttons, toolbars, custom dialog boxes, and code, and save the presentation in the C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates folder with a .pot extension; if user profiles are being used, save the temp...
Browse a huge collection of PowerPoint templates, 100% editable slides, ready for business, professionals, educators, and fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint
Use Microsoft PowerPoint to make your design unique. Swap out fonts, colors, design elements, animations, effects, and more to sync up with your style or brand. 3. Show it off When you're done, you're ready to present. Easily share your PowerPoint presentation if you want other people ...