(savedTextSlideSelection[0]); const shape1: PowerPoint.Shape = slide1.shapes.getItem(savedTextShapeSelection[0]); const textRange: PowerPoint.TextRange = shape1.textFrame.textRange.getSubstring(savedTextTextRangeStart, savedTextTextRangeLength); textRange.setSelected(); await context.sync(); })...
Add slide numbers to your slides and start numbering from zero or another number. Hide the slide numbering on the title slide.
getCount(): OfficeExtension.ClientResult<number>; 返回 OfficeExtension.ClientResult<number> 集合中的幻灯片母版数。 注解 [API 集:PowerPointApi 1.3] getItem(key) 使用幻灯片母版的唯一 ID 获取幻灯片母版。 getItem(key: string): PowerPoint.SlideMaster; ...
Part 1: Add Slide Number to PowerPoint Presentation To add slide numbers, open your PowerPoint presentation. Select theInserttab on the ribbon, click the “Header & Footer” button. The “Header and Footer” dialog box will appear. In the Slide tab, check the box next to “Slide number“....
OfficeExtension.ClientResult<number> Die Anzahl der Folien in der Auflistung. Hinweise [API-Satz: PowerPointApi 1.5] getItem(key) Ruft eine Folie mit ihrer eindeutigen ID ab. TypeScript getItem(key:string): PowerPoint.Slide; Parameter
JSON.stringify (,反过来,调用toJSON传递给它的 对象的 方法。) 而原始PowerPoint.SlideLayoutCollection对象是 API 对象,toJSON该方法返回一个纯 JavaScript 对象, (类型为 PowerPoint.Interfaces.SlideLayoutCollectionData) ,其中包含一个“items”数组,其中包含集合项中任何已加载属性的浅表副本。
Create attractive presentations with professional PowerPoint templates and slide designs. Use PPT templates to give unique appearance to your presentation.
Note:You can also choose to display the slide number in a different format, such as "Slide {N} of {Total}" or "{N}/{Total}". Adding Custom Text to the Footer: Step 1:Open your PowerPoint presentation. Step 2:Go to "Insert" > "Header & Footer." ...
5. After downloading the installation file, double-click on it to start the installation process. 6. Follow the prompts to install Microsoft PowerPoint on your computer. It's important to note that using old versions of Microsoft PowerPoint may come with some problems. For example, downloading ...
Delay before playing object in ms Order of build: -2: Follow Master Slide Other: Order ID Number of slides to play object Type of buildL 0: No Build 1: All at once 2: Build by Text Level 1 3: Build by Text Level 2 4: Build by Text Level 3 5: Build by T...