Step 5: Check the “Link to File” checkbox and hit the “OK” button. You can also check “Display as Icon,” to create a little PowerPoint icon in your Word document that you can click to go to the original PowerPoint presentation. You will see the first slide of your Presentation a...
doc = words.Document() builder = words.DocumentBuilder(doc)forindexin range(presentation.slides.length): slide = presentation.slides[index]# 生成並插入幻燈片圖像slide.get_thumbnail(2,2).save("slide_{i}.png".format(i =index), drawing.imaging.ImageFormat.png) builder.insert_image("slide_{i}...
Open the PowerPoint presentation that you want to convert to a Word document. SelectFile>Export. In PowerPoint 2010, selectFile>Save & Send. SelectCreate Handoutsand chooseCreate Handouts. In PowerPoint 2010, selectCreate Handoutsunder File Types and selectCreate Handoutsunder Create Handouts in Micro...
Slide Into Word creates a Microsoft Word� document that's pre-formatted to include a heading, the main table, and page numbering. The table contains three columns with slide numbering, images of the slides in your presentation (in either full color or gray scale), and a no...
If you insert the slide into the document as a PowerPoint object, Word runs PowerPoint when you double-click the slide, and you can use PowerPoint commands to work with the slide. When you insert an entire PowerPoint presentation as an object, the document displays only one ...
If you insert the slide into the document as a PowerPoint object, Word runs PowerPoint when you double-click the slide, and you can use PowerPoint commands to work with the slide. When you insert an entire PowerPoint presentation as an object, the document displays only one ...
1. Export PowerPoint Presentation to Word Document To convert PowerPoint to Word document, you can follow these steps: Step 1.Open the PowerPoint presentation that you want to convert, clickFileat the left menu. Step 2.ClickSave&Send, selectCreate Handoutsunder the section ofFile Types, and th...
How to Update a Linked PowerPoint Slide? How to Break Linked PowerPoint Slides in Word? How to Insert PowerPoint into Word (as an embedded presentation)? How to Tackle the Huge File Size after Converting PowerPoint to a Word Document?
Open your Word document, and go to theInsertmenu. In theTextsection, click on theObjectbutton. In the dialog box, go to theCreate from File. ClickBrowseand select your PowerPoint presentation. CheckingInsert Linkwill embed the slide and add a shortcut to the source file. If the source file...
If you're trying to export a PowerPoint presentation into a Word document, and you receive an error saying "PowerPoint can't locate Microsoft Word," you're not alone. This is a common issue, and there are a couple of solutions to it. ...