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Google Slides is a free, cloud-based presentation software offered by Google. It is a popular alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint and offers a range of functions and features that make it easy to create and deliver professional-looking presentations. Here are some of its key functions and features...
WPS Office is a great alternative to Microsoft Office for Mac users. It is free, feature-rich, lightweight, and fast. FAQs about how to remove footer in PowerPoint Why can't I edit the footer in PowerPoint? If you can't edit the footer in PowerPoint, it might be because it's locked...
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is the web-based version of Microsoft PowerPoint that let you collaborate online for free to make, edit and share presentations. Here you can learn how to use PowerPoint online as well as download free templates for PowerPoint Online.
Create your own theme in PowerPoint Save a slide design (theme) as a template Edit, change, or delete a placeholder What is a slide master? What is a slide layout? Create and use your own template in Microsoft 365 for Mac How to make a branded PowerPoint presentation...
A free plan is available. Premium plans start at $125 per year. Value for money: This plug-in only offers quiz-related functionalities. If that’s what you’re going for, it’s good for the price. 5. Inpres A PPT Add-in for audience interaction during a presentation ...
Create your own theme in PowerPoint Save a slide design (theme) as a template Edit, change, or delete a placeholder What is a slide master? What is a slide layout? Create and use your own template in Microsoft 365 for Mac How to make a branded PowerPoint presentation...
15. Happy - Free Thanksgiving for Kids PPT This Thanksgiving template for free download is simple. It comes with a yellow striped background and some Thanksgiving-themed line drawings. 16. Happy - Free Thanksgiving Food PPT These Thanksgiving backgrounds images come with a yellow-ish brown...
A free plan is available. Premium plans start at $125 per year. Value for money: This plug-in only offers quiz-related functionalities. If that’s what you’re going for, it’s good for the price. 5. Inpres A PPT Add-in for audience interaction during a presentation ...