PowerPoint has a functionality toConvert SmartArt graphics to Shapes. This way, we can convert any graphic created with SmartArt to simple PowerPoint shapes. To use this feature, you need to insert aSmartArt graphicand then go toSmartArt Toolsmenu andDesigntab. Here, look for Convert button ...
CombineShapesGallery菜单 CombineShapesMenu菜单 CommentsPanetoggleButton CommentsPaneSplitButtontoggleButton 无对比度button ContrastMorebutton ConvertSmartArtMenu菜单 ConvertToSmartArt画廊 ConvertToSmartArtMoreSmartArtGraphicsDialogbutton 复制button CopySplitButtonsplitButton ...
Figure 3:Convert SmartArt to Shapes This action will convert SmartArt graphics to shapes, as shown inFigure 4, below. Figure 4:SmartArt graphic converted to shapes Alternatively, you can right-click the SmartArt graphic to bring up the resultant contextual menu, and choose theConvert to Shape...
會將SmartArt 圖表新增至 Shapes 物件。語法expression。 AddSmartArt( _Layout_, _Left_, _Top_, _Width_, _Height_ )expression 代表Shapes 物件的變數。參數展開資料表 名稱必要/選用資料類型描述 Layout 必要 [SMARTARTLAYOUT] 要新增的 SmartArt 圖表。 Left 選用 Single 從投影片左邊緣到 SmartArt 圖表...
expression:一个表示Shapes对象的变量。 参数 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 Layout必需[SMARTARTLAYOUT]要添加的 SmartArt 图表。 Left可选Single从幻灯片左边缘到 SmartArt 图表左边缘的距离(以磅为单位)。 Top可选Single从幻灯片上边缘到 SmartArt 图表上边缘的距离(以磅为单位)。
Step 9: For those who want to convert the SmartArt into an object, follow these steps: In the SmartArt Design tab, locate the "Convert" option in the top right corner and select "Convert to Shape". PowerPoint SmartArt These straightforward steps visually enhance your presentations. It's wo...
键入ConvertLegacyDiagramsToShapes,,然后按 Enter 键。 在详细信息窗格中,用鼠标右键单击ConvertLegacyDiagramsToShapes,,然后单击修改。 如果您想要将旧图转换为 SmartArt 作为默认行为︰在数值数据框中,键入0,然后单击确定。 如果您想要转换为组合形状的旧版图作为默认行为︰在...
键入ConvertLegacyDiagramsToShapes,,然后按 Enter 键。 在详细信息窗格中,用鼠标右键单击ConvertLegacyDiagramsToShapes,,然后单击修改。 如果您想要将旧图转换为 SmartArt 作为默认行为︰ 在数值数据框中,键入0,然后单击确定。 如果您想要转换为组合形状的旧版图作为默认行为︰ ...
ChartResetToMatchStyle button Reset to Match Style Chart3DView button 3-D Rotation... ObjectSizeAndPositionDialog button Size and Position... ShapeConvertToFreeform button Convert to Freeform TabTableToolsDesign tab Design ConvertToSmartArt gallery Convert to SmartArt ConvertToSmartArtMoreSmart...
使用BuildFreeform方法搭配ConvertToShape方法來建立新的手繪多邊形,並將其新增至集合。 下列範例會將矩形新增至作用中的簡報。 VB ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.AddShape Type:=msoShapeRectangle, _ Left:=50, Top:=50, Width:=100, Height:=200 ...