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在Windows 上,可通过命令行导航到项目的根目录,然后输入 code .在VS Code 中打开该文件夹。 在 Mac 上,需要先将code 命令添加到路径中,然后才可使用该命令在 VS Code 中打开项目文件夹。插入图像完成以下步骤,添加将图像插入幻灯片的代码。在代码编辑器中打开项目。 在项目的根目录中,创建一个名为 base64Imag...
On Windows, you can navigate to the root directory of the project via the command line and then enter code . to open that folder in VS Code. On Mac, you'll need to add the code command to the path before you can use that command to open the project folder in VS Code.Insert...
On Windows, you can navigate to the root directory of the project via the command line and then enter code . to open that folder in VS Code. On Mac, you'll need to add the code command to the path before you can use that command to open the project folder in VS Code. Insert an...