One of the hidden features of Microsoft PowerPoint that you can take advantage of is its video compression. The best part is, you get to choose your quality option, and PowerPoint will compress video with little to no quality loss. Compressing video on PowerPoint requires no additional tools or...
Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation design software included inMicrosoft 365. This software allows you to design presentations by combining text, images, graphics, video, and animation on slides in a simple and intuitive way. Over time, PowerPoint has evolved and improved its accessibility to user...
WPS Presentation has a few unique features that PowerPoint lacks, such as the ability to compress files for easy sharing and the ability to export presentations as video files. However, PowerPoint has some advanced features that may be useful for certain users, such as advanced animation...
PowerPoint Labsis a time-saving tool that offers several features to make your PowerPoint presentations more eye-catching. For example, the add-in enables you to light up a certain area of a slide and highlight bullet points and segments of text and background. With PowerPoint Labs, you can...
If PowerPoint is in use by another process, this information will be displayed in the horizontal status bar at the bottom of the screen. If you try to perform other actions while PowerPoint is in use, PowerPoint may not respond. Let the task in process finish its job before...
As others join you in working in your shared document, you can see evidence of their presence and activity. With the presentation open, note the indications of collaboration. When someone is viewing or modifying the presentation, their thumbnail (image or initials) will appear in the...
optimal flow or previewing thumbnails for precision, Slide Sorter is your trusted ally. Join us on a journey through this indispensable feature, as we unlock its potential to transform your presentation experience. Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to a smoother, more intuitive PowerPoint journe...
Bonus: Advanced PowerPoint tips and tricks I've barely scratched the surface of what you can do with PowerPoint (there are literal books written about it), and the more you play around with its features, the more creative you can get with presentations. But as you experiment with the tool...
Add Footer to Master and Layout slides Add Headers and Footers into Notes slide Modify Headers and Footers in PowerPoint Edit Footer text of an existing Slide Edit Header text of an existing Notes slide Modify Date and Time format of an existing Slide Modify font of the Footer text Remove Hea...
The clock will appear in the bottom left corner as a footer.Remember that you can always change its font color, style, and size. Consider that this PowerPoint real-time clockwill only update when you change slidesin presentation mode. If you plan to stay on the same slide for a long tim...